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[gpsd-users] Ublox binary commands via gpsctl

From: Anthony Stirk
Subject: [gpsd-users] Ublox binary commands via gpsctl
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 21:29:36 +0100


I'm trying to set a specific dynamic model (Stationary*) on the ublox module on my Raspberry Pi. This is achieved by sending a binary command to the module. I'm struggling to work out how to issue this command to the module via gpsctl. 

The module is working and if you do cgps you get the current location etc. 

To ascertain if the command is working I've been trying to send the cold boot command which is \xB5 \x62 \x06 \x04 \x04 \x00 \xFF \x87 \x00 \x00 \x94 \xF5

So far I've tried :

sudo gpsctl -t "uBlox UBX binary" -b -D 5 -x \xB5 \x62 \x06 \x04 \x04 \x00 \xFF \x87 \x00 \x00 \x94 \xF5

gpsctl:PROG: uBlox UBX binary driver selected.
gpsctl:INFO: startup at 2013-08-15T20:23:01.000Z (1376598181)
gpsctl:PROG: initialization passed.
gpsctl:PROG: no etc/gpsd/device-hook present, skipped running ACTIVATE hook
gpsctl:INFO: opening read-only GPS data source type 0 and at 'x62'
gpsctl:ERROR: device open failed: No such file or directory - retrying read-only
gpsctl:ERROR: read-only device open failed: No such file or directory
gpsctl:ERROR: activation of device x62 failed, errno=2

Adding -e :

sudo gpsctl -t "uBlox UBX binary" -b -D 5 -e -x \xB5 \x62 \x06 \x04 \x04 \x00 \xFF \x87 \x00 \x00 \x94 \xF5
gpsctl:PROG: uBlox UBX binary driver selected.
gpsctl:PROG: switch_driver(uBlox UBX binary) called...
gpsctl:PROG: selecting uBlox UBX binary driver...
gpsctl:SHOUT: switching to mode BINARY.
gpsctl:IO: => GPS: UBX class: 78, id: 42, len: 1, crc: f098
▒bxB5▒gpsctl:IO: => GPS: b5627842010035f098

The GPS is physically connected to /dev/ttyAMA0 and gpsd has a socket file down /var/run/gpsd.sock

gpsd is running as :

2068 ?        S<sl  37:48 /usr/sbin/gpsd -n -F /var/run/gpsd.sock -P /var/run/ /dev/ttyAMA0

I'm running gpsd: 3.6 (revision 3.6) on Linux hypatia 3.6.11+ #1 PREEMPT Sat Jun 22 00:44:15 UTC 2013 armv6l GNU/Linux

The actual command I'd like to send is :

B5 62 06 24 24 00 FF FF 02 03 00 00 00 00 10 27 00 00 05 00 FA 00 FA 00 64 00 2C 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 54 

Many thanks,

Anthony M0UPU

*Stationary Used in timing applications (antenna must be stationary) or other stationary applications.
Velocity restricted to 0 m/s. Zero dynamics assumed.

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