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[gomd-devel] Duplicate and useless getter commands

From: rbaardman
Subject: [gomd-devel] Duplicate and useless getter commands
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 11:46:19 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.1

Hi _rejected_

4 things:

I just read your list of commands, and when implementing in UML I found that 
some commands are double.
This concerns some of the E(X)TRA GETTER COMMANDS. Some of them gather the same 
info as local getter commands. Therefor I think it would be best for simplicity 
to remove the local getter commands. Most of them can also be executed on 
remote nodes. This way the client app doesn't have to remember to wich node it 
is talking to anymore.

A few examples are:
Local - E(X)TRA
load - cpuload
cpus - cpuinfo //although cpuinfo reads from /proc
tmem - meminfo //although meminfo reads from /proc

I know that some alternatives from the E(X)TRA GETTER COMMANDS do slightly 
diffirent things, but I think this could be changed easily. This way there is 
no seperation between local and remote nodes and the local getter commands 
could be removed.

A lot of the E(X)TRA GETTER COMMANDS don't work. gomd says it cannot get the IP 
for node #258 while that is the local node. Remote nodes don't work either.

"get netload $NODE" or "get nl $NODE" conflicts with "get nl" from "get 
nodelist". Gomd always chooses the "get nodelist" one. 

4) Conclusion: I think the local getter commands can be easily replaced by the 
E(X)TRA GETTER COMMANDS. Problems could be solved by gomd2gomd. Maybe make the 
local getter commands only accessible by gomd2gomd?


Roel Baardman

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