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Re: gnuzilla-dev Digest, Vol 63, Issue 2

From: chippy
Subject: Re: gnuzilla-dev Digest, Vol 63, Issue 2
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 14:53:57 +0200

Hash: SHA512

Hi again. 

I wanted to show you some progress on my proposal.
For this I cloned mozzarella on my webserver. Though, I believe that
what's running on the website is
not a verbatim copy of what's in gitlab, because it throws some errors
if you try and run it as it is. Is that so? can i have a copy on what's
on the site?

Also I wanted to let you know that it is possible to download
mozzarella/ and read the database access credentials.

I tried to signup to but my account hasn't
been approved in days so I think it's not going to be approved at all. 

For this reason I cannot contribute to the project.

I also asked for help on #trisquel irc but no reply yet.

There are no contact information on
nor on so I'm writing here.

You can see some of the proposed changes at in the extension pages.

I'll add more and format the data in a more appealing way.


On Mon, 2024-05-27 at 12:00 -0400, wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> I disagree.  I believe you are aggravating the picture stating that
> someone should go through the source code; you don't need to do that.
> It can indeed be done with some automation using selenium, gekodriver
> and docker.
> ATM I wrote a functioning py script that can run a headless browser,
> install the extension, activate the extension (ghostery requires user
> input), open some websites, then uninstall the extension and quit.
> You can find a POF
> here:
> in this example the browser binary is called "vanilla" because I
> rebuilt Icecat with no extensions so to be able to try the extensions
> one by one, without interference. I'll upload that to this repo too
> so
> it's easier if someone wants to help.
> The point is to run this in a docker container while monitoring
> network
> transmissions and generate some report.
> Now, to inspect the network activity of some software, I normally use
> network namespaces: I relegate a software to run in an isolated
> network
> namespace (even with an ad-hoc resolv.conf). This way I can avoid all
> the transmission coming from other processes, and I can make sure
> that
> everything I see (say in tcpdump), comes from the application I want
> to
> monitor.
> So I'd be able to see even if the application is bypassing my system
> dns, if it does DOH etc
> This does not get me the content of the transmissions though, as they
> are encrypted.
> Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to use network namespaces
> within
> a docker container...not without changing things on the host, which
> we
> don't want.
> So the second choice would be proxychains... 
> Proxychains too cannot reveal the content of the transmissions
> What's left is mitmproxy/mitmdump so we can not only see the amount
> of
> transmisisons and their endpoints, but by installing the mitmproxy
> ssl
> certificate, we can also peek into the content of these transmissions
> and have an idea of what is going on on our machines. This requires a
> pre-configured profile to run icecat with, where the http proxy is
> configured. This also means we trust that icecat or the extensions
> does
> not evade the proxy. We can maybe do that with some firewall rules.
> I'll spend some time trying to come up with some Dockerfile and side
> script that can do all this and as a final result, export to the user
> (via email or by generating some report).
> ** Does someone want to help me? **
> I believe that mozzarella would benefit from this too. It could let
> users know which extensions send out/collect data.
> I understand it would take some baby sitting at least in the
> beginning,
> but think to the reward! Millions users use these extensions and I'm
> sure they would like to be able to know which ones collect data.
> So next step is to parameterize and normalize the data about the
> extension so you can just run a loop and hopefully in few hours find
> the results. I started with that too, so far I found that some
> extension may require user input to work, you can see that in the two
> example I'm using here:
> I'd love some feedback on this. Remember this is a POC...
> Thanks in advance.
> Chip.
> > From: Luis Guzman <>
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Please remove Ghostery from Mozzarella
> > Message-ID: <>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> > 
> > Hello chippy,
> > 
> > I've been looking closely the development, and here some details I
> > could 
> > share.
> > 
> > En 25/05/24 10:27, chippy escribió:
> > > Hi.
> > > 
> > [...]
> > > 
> > > I tried for few minutes the extension Ghostery and it connected
> > > back to
> > > several services (like . [...]
> > > > 
> > > Isn't this a scammy extension?
> > > 
> > > What is this doing on Mozzarella? I expected Mozzarella to be a
> > > curated
> > > collection of extensions. However, this, unfortunately, does not
> > > seem
> > > the case.
> > 
> > By the length of the repository, that will require a full team of 
> > several people to be able to curate and review all the source code
> > of
> > each extension. I'm not aware of a distro with such workforce which
> > is 
> > the closest to people curating large amount of packages / source
> > code
> > I 
> > could think of.
> > 
> > So Mozzarella uses scripts to parse extensions via API calls by the
> > license they report to use, following that path I'm sure there
> > could
> > be 
> > cases where that could be wrong, as the license could be wrongly 
> > reported or not complied to.
> > 
> > Nevertheless, this approach allows to automate parsing the complete
> > archive with no more work than the one done by the scrapper
> > scripts.
> > 
> > > 
> > > Another question:
> > > 
> > > I was wondering if it could be possible on the mozzarella website
> > > to
> > > add, in the details of the extensions,
> > > - whether or not the extension phones homes,
> > > - whether or not the extension needs downloading except
> > > from and
> > > - if it contacts third parties.
> > 
> > If you check the API search parameters, you'll see there is no way
> > to
> > know that, by an API call.
> > *
> > 
> > Adding such integration would require to change the nature of
> > Mozzarella 
> > code base to some sort of wiki database, which reminds me to the h-
> > node 
> > effort.
> > > 
> > > This would enormously help me and others, I imagine, in deciding
> > > whether or not to use an extension, like in this case.
> > 
> > The author has noted that Mozzarella on it's current state is
> > developed 
> > on his free time[1]. So, volunteering to implement such changes
> > would
> > be 
> > a good starting point.
> > 
> > > 
> > > Thanks in advance,
> > > Chippy.
> > > 
> > 
> > Regards



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