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Re: Random question: GNUStep site design

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: Random question: GNUStep site design
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 23:41:20 +0100

Yes, the link you gave is the plain. The main other thing that I think needs more thought is how the site should be structured and how we should promote GNUstep in general.

On 2003-07-20 21:22:22 +0100 Scott Stevenson <address@hidden> wrote:
[...] Is the revamp something you personally want to do or something you feel you have to do?

More that I want to.

[...] The problems were simple -- just  misnamed selectors/properties.

Oh yeah, that's a fix for a cockup of mine. I rather stupidly merged the CSS before retemplating, which let to interesting side-effects on the current site, so I introduced some typos to stop the selectors matching. Sorry! I forgot about that. I'll create a template dir and put working copies in there soon. Well-caught on text-color, though!

MacIE5 is another story. It has this interesting "behavior" that basically boils down to this:
        If these conditions are met for a given CSS box (div container):
                1: The box contains block-level display elements
                2. The box has an undefined width

There is no undefined width.  It is auto.

... the box will not automatically scale to the minimum size required for its content.
        Instead, it will grow to the maximum size allowed by its parent.

It is meant to be the intrinsic width, not the maximum.

        Additionally, if a third condition is met:
                3. The box is set to positon: absolute
The box boundaries will actually be too big for the canvas, and trigger the browser's horizontal scrollbar.

Applying these rules to the site results in:

I hate IE because we can't fix cockups like that. (I hate Opera for similar reasons.)

The MacIE folks felt they wre following the W3C specs in at least the first two conditions, although there have been comments from them about ambiguiouty in the spec.

The trigger in the case of common.css is the display:block declaration for the div#menu child elements. I'm not sure what you want to do about this, if anything. The easiest approach would be to set some sort of width on div#menu, but that has drawbacks, of course.

Yes, like having to pray that the font is reasonably close to the one that I am using when designing, that the longest line is something like the same number of ems. Not acceptable, IMO.

The current CSS design came about to fix a breakage of IE5/Win. Wonderful that IE5/Mac is differently broken and it doesn't look possible to satisfy both while having a fully-working design.

If we take
enough can you licence them under GPL or something suitable (PD whatever)? Then, I think we'll give you a link from a credits and copyright page.
PD is probably the easiest. GPL would be fine too, but in practice I'm not sure there's much difference when you're dealing with a web page. It's hard to deteremine what derivative works really are.


Can you subscribe to gnustep-webmasters and discuss this there? I think others may have views on this.

MJR/slef   My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.   jabber://address@hidden
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