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Focusing on completing the remainder of classes in GUI

From: Gregory John Casamento
Subject: Focusing on completing the remainder of classes in GUI
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 09:15:50 -0700 (PDT)


I would like to make a concerted effort between now until the end of the year 
to complete the remaining classes in GUI.   I am considering which version of 
Mac OS X's Cocoa API which will be our "minimum compatibility" that is to say, 
we should guarantee that a certain version of the API is supported by GNUstep.  
I will annouce this at a later date.

I will start making a list of all of the classes which I believe need to be 
implemented or need work and put them up on the tasks page at   There are already some classes 
there, I will add to the list as time goes on.
Take a class and start working on it, if you can.   Please keep the task system 
updated so that there is no duplication of effort.

Regards, GJC 

--Gregory John Casamento

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