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Re: isEqual: and hash in NSDate

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: isEqual: and hash in NSDate
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 05:35:22 +0100

On 2005-07-22 20:57:12 +0100 Adrian Robert <address@hidden> wrote:

(While we're on this subject, could we change NSEvent timestamps to be in seconds like OS X (and OpenStep for that matter), instead of milliseconds?)

OS X and OPENSTEP return an NSTimeInterval just like GNUstep ... and they don't round to the second either. The documentatiuon says 'in seconds', but I think this just means that the unit of measurement is the second.

Not rounding, but ([eventB timestamp] - [eventA timestamp] on GNUstep) = 1000x (the value on OS X) for the same time difference. It occasionally affects portability such as when you need to measure the time between two events in user code.

Ah ... that sounds like a bug in the backend library which is creating the NSEvent objects, I guess it is setting incorrect timstamp values (milliseconds rather than seconds) there. I don't see any other way the timestamps could be wrong.

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