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[taler-donau] branch master updated: clean up

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-donau] branch master updated: clean up
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 18:38:56 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lukas-matyja pushed a commit to branch master
in repository donau.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 8771a22  clean up
8771a22 is described below

commit 8771a2231bc9989665a9a1411a3d8bcaa64a4653
Author: Matyja Lukas Adam <>
AuthorDate: Thu Jun 6 18:40:45 2024 +0200

    clean up
 doc/thesis/chapters/background/blindsign.tex   |   2 +-
 doc/thesis/chapters/background/taler.tex       |   2 +-
 doc/thesis/chapters/implementation/donau.tex   |   2 +-
 doc/thesis/chapters/introduction/interview.tex |   0
 doc/thesis/chapters/introduction/scope.tex     |   8 ++++----
 doc/thesis/thesis.pdf                          | Bin 2158295 -> 2158478 bytes
 6 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/thesis/chapters/background/blindsign.tex 
index 1c0f42e..67b2112 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/chapters/background/blindsign.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/chapters/background/blindsign.tex
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \section{Blind Signatures}\label{blind_signatures}
 One important cryptographic scheme used by the Donau is the blind signature 
scheme. It is an extension of digital signatures which provides besides 
authenticity and non-repudiation privacy by allowing a user to obtain a 
signature for a message, without revealing the contents of the message to the 
signer. All cryptographic elements used by the Donau where privided by the GNU 
Taler libraries.
-This section only provides an overview of blinded signatures. Detailed 
information about blinded signature can be found at 
\url{}. Blinded signatures are the key 
elements to reach privacy for the donor (see chapter xx). With blinded 
signatures a blinded unrecognizable message was signed. Only the creator of the 
blinded message is able to unblind the signature and therefore to receive a 
valid signature for the unblinded message. The Donau system uses  [...]
+This section only provides an overview of blinded signatures. Detailed 
information about blinded signature can be found at 
\url{}. Blinded signatures are the key 
elements to reach privacy for the donor (see chapter 
\ref{issuing_donation_receipts}). With blinded signatures a blinded 
unrecognizable message was signed. Only the creator of the blinded message is 
able to unblind the signature and therefore to receive a valid signature for 
the unblinded me [...]
 Concrete the RSA-FDH blind signatures are used. Before blinding, to eliminate 
certain attacks, a Full-Domain Hash on the message is applied. Full-Domain 
means the hash has the same size as the RSA modulus. The blind signature scheme 
is similar to the normal RSA signatur scheme. In addition to the normal scheme, 
the message is blinded with an private and random value. Practically the length 
of the modulus and therefore for the key size, signature size and the security 
level is variable. T [...]
diff --git a/doc/thesis/chapters/background/taler.tex 
index f3f1c24..0919f3f 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/chapters/background/taler.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/chapters/background/taler.tex
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ GNU Taler is an open protocol for electronic payment system 
using blind signatur
 One key component of the GNU Taler payment system is the exchange which is 
responsible for exchanging existing money into electronic money. Customers can 
retrieve funds from the exchange to make anonymous payments. The merchant is 
not anonymous and thus can not hide the income. This helps to avoid tax evasion 
and money laundering \cite{Taler}.
 GNU Taler uses denominations to represent the values of a coins. A 
denomination contains the unit of currency and the face value of a given coin. 
Each denomination contains a cryptographic public key used by the exchange to 
verify the denomination.
-%...maybe not in background but intro?
+%...maybe not in background but intro?->no too technical, better here
 The Donau is based on the exchange and requires some of its parts to function. 
The concept of the denomination was adapted into the donation units, which are 
used to represent the face value of a donation.
diff --git a/doc/thesis/chapters/implementation/donau.tex 
index c03c5cf..0c27749 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/chapters/implementation/donau.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/chapters/implementation/donau.tex
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ The response includes the charity ID generated by the 
 %TODO describe BUDI, donation unit -> glossary?
-Only recognized charities requesting issue receipts for their donors (see 
section xx). An post issue receipt request includes an array of BUDI-Key-Pairs. 
A BUDI-Key-Pair consists of a BUDI and a hash of a public donation unit key. 
The charity also signs the request with an EdDSA private key. The corresponding 
public key was given to the Donau at the registration of the charity. After the 
Donau checked the signature from the charity it signs the BUDIs with the 
corresponding donation unit  [...]
+Only recognized charities are allowed to request issue receipts for their 
donors (see section \ref{validation}). An post issue receipt request includes 
an array of BUDI-Key-Pairs. A BUDI-Key-Pair consists of a BUDI and a hash of a 
public donation unit key. The charity also signs the request with an EdDSA 
private key. The corresponding public key was given to the Donau at the 
registration of the charity. After the Donau checked the signature from the 
charity it signs the BUDIs with the co [...]
diff --git a/doc/thesis/chapters/introduction/interview.tex 
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/doc/thesis/chapters/introduction/scope.tex 
index cb694b1..15be5ca 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/chapters/introduction/scope.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/chapters/introduction/scope.tex
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-At the start of the project we wrote the REST API specifications together with 
the database schema and the Donau protocol.
-Later tests were written to ensure that the endpoints work correctly without 
any errors.
-During the project we documented the code and created various other documents 
like presentations and project summaries.
+At the start of the project we wrote the REST API specifications together with 
the database schema for the Donau and the Donau protocol.
+While implementing the Donau tests were written to ensure that the endpoints 
work correctly.
+During the project the code was documented and various other documents like 
presentations and project summaries and a short film were created.
 To demonstrate the Donau we developped an Android application that can verify 
donations by scanning a QR-Code.
-We also held an interview with the tax authority Zürich, which has provided 
valuable insight in how donations are verified and important aspects that a 
system like the Donau should fulfil.
+We also held an interview with the tax authority Zürich, which has provided 
valuable insight in how donations are verified and important aspects that a 
system like the Donau should fulfill.
 Out of scope was the charity implementation which would have been integrated 
into the Taler merchant and the donor client implementation which would have 
been integrated into the Taler wallet. Unlike the charity integration, the 
donor part of the taler wallet is payment system dependent.
 In other words, since the taler wallet can only make donations with the taler 
payment system, it could only receive donation receipts for this. The 
administrator interface was also not realized, which would have provided a 
user-friendly interface to manage the charities.
diff --git a/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf b/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf
index 05595c7..3d1748f 100644
Binary files a/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf and b/doc/thesis/thesis.pdf differ

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