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[taler-docs] branch master updated: remove deprecated libeufin nexus API

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-docs] branch master updated: remove deprecated libeufin nexus API
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2023 13:20:53 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dold pushed a commit to branch master
in repository docs.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 8e83fd05 remove deprecated libeufin nexus API
8e83fd05 is described below

commit 8e83fd0586f0fc260abb466a62ab8cff1cb7bc4e
Author: Florian Dold <>
AuthorDate: Thu Sep 21 13:20:57 2023 +0200

    remove deprecated libeufin nexus API
 core/api-bank-nexus.rst | 1129 -----------------------------------------------
 core/api-bank.rst       |    1 -
 2 files changed, 1130 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/api-bank-nexus.rst b/core/api-bank-nexus.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index bda29167..00000000
--- a/core/api-bank-nexus.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1129 +0,0 @@
-  This file is part of GNU TALER.
-  Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Taler Systems SA
-  TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-  terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free 
-  Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.
-  TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
-  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more 
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License 
along with
-  TALER; see the file COPYING.  If not, see <>
-.. target audience: core developer
-.. contents:: Table of Contents
-In the current version, the API calls are only available to
-the superuser, when no authorization condition is explictly stated.
-Returns configuration values currently used by Nexus.
-This call is unauthenticated.
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/config
-  **Response:**
-  .. ts:def:: ConfigResponse
-     interface ConfigResponse {
-       // nexus version, X.Y.Z format.
-       version: string;
-     }
-Currently every request made to nexus must be authenticated using the *HTTP
-basic auth* mechanism.
-Other authentication mechanisms (e.g. OpenID Connect) might
-be supported in the future.
-User Management
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/user
-  Get information about the current user.  The username carried
-  along the HTTP basic auth points at the user to be shown.
-  **Response:**
-  .. ts:def:: UserResponse
-     interface UserResponse {
-       // User name
-       username: string;
-       // Is this a super user?
-       superuser: boolean;
-     }
-.. http:post:: {nexusBase}/users/{userName}/password
-  Change password of the ``{userName}`` user.  The call is
-  available to any superuser on any username.
-  **Request:**
-  .. code-block:: ts
-    interface UserChangePassword {
-      newPassword: string;
-    }
-  **Response:**
-  :http:statuscode:`200 OK`: The password was successfully changeD.
-.. http:post:: {nexusBase}/users
-  Create a new user.  Only a superuser can call this API.
-  **Request:**
-  The body is a `User` object.
-  **Response:**
-  :http:statuscode:`409 Conflict`: Username is not available.
-  **Details:**
-  .. ts:def:: User
-     interface User {
-       // User name
-       username: string;
-       // Initial password
-       password: string;
-     }
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/users
-  Return the list of all users.
-  **Response:**
-  .. ts:def:: UsersResponse
-     interface UsersResponse {
-       users: UserResponse[];
-     }
-.. _nexus-permissions-api:
-Permissions API
-The permissions API manages authorization of access of subjects
-(usually users) to resources.
-Permissions are modeled a set of ``(subject, resource, permission)``
-triples.  Subjects and resources consist of a type and an identifier.
-Superusers are not subject to further permission checks, they are
-allowed to do any operation.
-The following subject types are currently supported:
-* ``user``:  An authenticated user.  The subject ID
-  is interpreted as the user ID.
-The following permissions are currently defined:
-* ``facade.talerWireGateway.history``:  Allows querying the
-  transaction history through a Taler wire gateway facade.
-* ``facade.talerWireGateway.transfer``: Allows creating payment
-  initiations to transfer money via a Taler wire gateway facade.
-The following resource IDs are currently supported:
-* ``facade``: A LibEuFin facade.  The resource ID is interpreted
-  as the facade name.
-* ``bank-account``: A Nexus bank account, currently used in
-  `scheduled tasks <nexus-task_>`_ of type ``fetch`` and ``submit``.
-.. http:get:: {nexusbase}/permissions
-  Lists all permissions.
-  **Response**
-  .. ts:def:: QueryPermissionsResponse
-     interface QueryPermissionsResponse {
-       permissions: LibeufinPermission[];
-     }
-.. http:post:: {nexusbase}/permissions
-  Modifies permissions.
-  **Request**
-  .. ts:def:: QueryPermissionsResponse
-     interface QueryPermissionsResponse {
-       action: "grant" | "revoke";
-       permission: LibeufinPermission;
-     }
-   **Response**
-   The response is an empty JSON object.
-Test API
-.. http:post:: {nexusbase}/bank-accounts/{acctid}/test-camt-ingestion/{type}
-  This call allows tests to **directly** give Nexus a Camt document.  After
-  the processing, all the payment(s) details should be ingested as if the
-  Camt came normally from a bank / the Sandbox.  ``acctid`` must match the
-  label of a locally imported bank account, and ``type`` for now can only be
-  ``C53``.
-  **Response**
-  The successful case should respond with a ``200 OK`` and an empty JSON body.
-Bank Accounts
-Neuxs maintains a copy of the bank account transaction history and
-balance information, manages payment initiations of the account and
-tracks the initiations of payments.
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/bank-accounts
-  **Response:**
-  A list of `BankAccount` objects that belong to the requester.
-  The list is held in the ``accounts`` field.
-  .. ts:def:: BankAccount
-     interface BankAccount {
-       // mnemonic name identifying this bank account.
-       nexusBankAccountId: string;
-       // IBAN
-       iban: string;
-       // BIC
-       bic: string;
-       // Legal subject owning the account.
-       ownerName: string;
-     }
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/bank-accounts/{my-acct}
-   Get basic information about the bank account named ``my-acct``.
-   .. ts:def:: BankAccountInfoWithBalance
-     interface BankAccountInfoWithBalance {
-       // ID number of the database row being the default bank connection
-       // of ``my-acct``.
-       defaultBankConnection: number;
-       // Payto://-URI of ``my-acct``.
-       accountPaytoUri: string;
-       // Balance of ``my-acct`` as it was downloaded from the bank
-       // along the last Camt document.  A human-readable message
-       // will inform the requester, should this value not be found.
-       lastSeenBalance: string;
-     }
-.. http:post:: 
-  Asks nexus to submit all the prepared initiations that weren't
-  already submitted.
-.. http:post:: 
-  Asks nexus to submit one prepare payment at the bank.
-  :http:statuscode:`404 Not found`: the unique identifier **or**
-  the bank connection could not be found in the system
-.. http:get:: {nexus}/bank-accounts/{my-acct}/payment-initiations/{uuid}
-   Asks the status of payment ``$uuid``.
-   **Response:**
-   .. ts:def:: PaymentStatus
-      interface PaymentStatus {
-        // Can be "BOOK" or "PDNG" ('pending').
-        status: string;
-        // Payment unique identifier
-        paymentInitiationId: string;
-        // True for submitted payments
-        submitted: boolean;
-        // Creditor IBAN
-        creditorIban: string;
-        // Creditor BIC
-        creditorBic: string;
-        // Creditor legal name
-        creditorName: string;
-        // Amount
-        amount: string;
-        // Subject
-        subject: string;
-        // Date of submission (in dashed form YYYY-MM-DD)
-        submissionDate: string;
-        // Date of preparation (in dashed form YYYY-MM-DD)
-        preparationDate: string;
-      }
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/bank-accounts/{my-acct}/payment-initiations
-  Asks nexus the list of initiated payments.  At this stage of the API,
-  **all** is returned: submitted and non-submitted payments.
-  **Response**
-  .. ts:def:: InitiatedPayments
-     interface InitiatedPayments {
-       // list of all the initiated payments' UID.
-       initiatedPayments: PaymentStatus[];
-     }
-.. http:post:: {nexusBase}/bank-accounts/{my-acct}/payment-initiations
-  Ask nexus to prepare instructions for a new payment.
-  Note that ``my-acct`` is the bank account that will be
-  **debited** after this operation.
-  **Request:**
-  .. ts:def:: PreparedPaymentRequest
-     interface PreparedPaymentRequest {
-       // IBAN that will receive the payment.
-       iban: string;
-       // BIC hosting the IBAN.
-       bic: string;
-       // Legal subject that will receive the payment.
-       name: string;
-       // payment subject.
-       subject: string;
-       // amount, in the format CURRENCY:XX.YY
-       amount: string,
-       // This option lets the client associate a unique
-       // identifier to the payment being created.  This
-       // identifier will NOT be the identifier of the resource
-       // created by this request, therefore it won't be possible
-       // to _retrieve_ the resource by using this UID.
-       // This UID helps, for example, if the client wrongly submits
-       // the same request twice, because Nexus can make it idempotent
-       // and avoid financial loss.
-       uid?: string
-     }
-  **Response:**
-  .. ts:def:: PreparedPaymentResponse
-     interface PreparedPaymentResponse {
-       // Opaque identifier to be communicated when
-       // the user wants to submit the payment to the
-       // bank.
-       uuid: string;
-     }
-.. http:post:: {nexusBase}/bank-accounts/{acctid}/fetch-transactions
-  Nexus will download bank transactions using the given connection.
-  **Request:**
-  Refer to :ref:`FetchParams <fetch-params>` for
-  ``level`` and ``rangeType`` specifications.
-  .. ts:def:: CollectedTransaction
-     interface CollectedTransaction {
-         level: string;
-         rangeType: string;
-         // Bank connection to use.  Uses the default bank connection,
-         // when not given.
-         bankConnection?: string;
-     }
-  **Response:**
-  .. code-block:: ts
-    interface NewTransactions {
-      // How many transactions are new to Nexus.
-      newTransactions: number;
-      // How many transactions got downloaded by the request.
-      // Note that a transaction can be downloaded multiple
-      // times but only counts as new once.
-      downloadedTransactions: number;
-    }
-  :http:statuscode:`500 Internal Server Error`: Nexus itself had a problem
-  along the operation, and not the bank.
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/bank-accounts/{acctid}/transactions
-  Shows the transactions fetched for ``{acctid}``, according to
-  the URI parameters.
-  **Request:**
-  :query long_poll_ms: Optional number to express how many milliseconds
-    the server should wait for at least one result to be shown.  If not
-    given, the server responds immediately, regardless of the result.
-  :query start: Optional number to express the **earliest** transaction
-    index, starting from **1**.  For example, if *start* is 6 and three
-    transactions are returned, they will have the following indexes:
-    6, x, y, where x and y are both greater than 6 but not necessarily
-    sequential.  This parameter defaults to 1.
-  :query size:  Optional number indicating how many transactions are to
-    be included in the response.  It defaults to 5.
-  **Response:**
-  :http:statuscode:`200 OK`:
-  a JSON object with a unique field named ``transactions`` that
-  is a list of `Transaction` objects.  This status code applies
-  even for an **empty** list.  The list is such that index **x-1**
-  is always a **earlier** transaction than **x**.  For example, the
-  transaction having the 'start' index lies always at index zero.
-  Note that the order does NOT reflect the transaction's timestamp
-  as given by the bank, but rather the order that Nexus stored them
-  into its database.
-  .. ts:def:: Transaction
-     interface Transaction {
-       // Number as a string, which is the index identifying this
-       // transaction at Nexus.
-       // Note: users can ONLY expect that this index grows
-       // as new transactions get fetched from the bank, but
-       // should NOT expect it to grow continuously.
-       index: string;
-       // Nexus representation of a transaction.  The format is shaped
-       // around the CaMt terminology and its XML structure.
-       camtData: {
-         // money moved by the transaction
-         amount: string;
-         // CRDT or DBIT
-         creditDebitIndicator: string
-         // Two of the most used values are BOOK, or PENDING
-         status: string;
-         // FIXME
-         bankTransactionCode: string;
-         // FIXME
-         valueDate: string;
-         // When this payment got booked.  In the form YYYY-MM-DD
-         bookingDate: string;
-         // FIXME
-         accountServicerRef: string;
-         // FIXME
-         batches: {
-           // list of batched transactions
-           batchTransactions: BatchedTransaction[];
-         };
-       }
-     }
-  .. ts:def:: BatchedTransaction
-     interface BatchedTransaction {
-       // FIXME
-       amount: string;
-       // FIXME
-       creditDebitIndicator: string;
-       // FIXME
-       details {
-         debtor: {
-           name: string;
-         };
-         debtorAccount: {
-           iban: string;
-         };
-         // Missing, when the payment is DBIT.
-         debtorAgent: {
-           bic: string;
-         };
-         creditor: {
-           name: string;
-         };
-         creditorAccount: {
-           iban: string;
-         };
-         // Missing, when the payment is CRDT.
-         creditorAgent: {
-           iban: string;
-         };
-         // FIXME
-         endToEndId: string;
-         // FIXME
-         unstructuredRemittanceInformation: string;
-       }
-     }
-Scheduling API
-.. http:post:: {nexusBase}/bank-accounts/{acctid}/schedule
-  This endpoint allows the caller to define a recurrent
-  execution of a task.
-  **Request**
-  .. ts:def:: ScheduleTask
-    interface ScheduleTask {
-      // Name to assign to the task being created.
-      name: string;
-      // a Unix-compatible cron pattern representing
-      // the frequency of execution of this task.
-      cronspec: string;
-      // Can take values "fetch" (to download the history
-      // of the requester's bank account) or "submit" (to submit
-      // any initiated payment associated to the requester's
-      // bank account).
-      type: string;
-      // Currently only used for "fetch" operations but required
-      // for any type of task.  Whatever value "submit" tasks pass
-      // here, it is not going to be consumed by Nexus.  Typically,
-      // submit tasks pass FetchParams with all of its fields set
-      // as null.
-      params: FetchParams;
-    }
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/bank-accounts/{acctid}/schedule/{taskId}
-  Shows ``taskId`` state.
-  .. _nexus-task:
-  **Response**
-  .. ts:def:: NexusTask
-     // This object is a mere reflection of
-     // what the Nexus database keeps to implement
-     // the scheduling feature.
-     interface NexusTask {
-       // The resource being impacted by this operation.
-       // Typically a (Nexus) bank account being ``fetch``ed
-       // or whose payments are ``submit``ted.  In this cases,
-       // this value is the "bank-account" constant.
-       resourceType: string;
-       // Name of the resource.  In case of "bank-account", that
-       // is the name under which the bank account was imported
-       // from the bank.
-       resourceId: string;
-       // Task name, equals 'taskId'
-       taskName: string;
-       // Values allowed are "fetch" or "submit".
-       taskType: string;
-       // FIXME: describe.
-       taskCronSpec: string;
-       // Only meaningful for "fetch" types.
-       taskParams: FetchParams;
-       // Timestamp in secons when the next iteration will run.
-       nextScheduledExecutionSec: number;
-       // Timestamp in seconds when the previous iteration ran.
-       prevScheduledExecutionSec: number;
-     }
-.. http:delete:: {nexusBase}/bank-accounts/{acctid}/schedule/{taskId}
-  This call deletes the task associated to ``taskId``.
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/bank-accounts/{acctid}/schedule
-  Shows all the scheduled tasks from ``acctid``.
-  **Response**
-  .. ts:def:: TaskCollection
-    interface TaskCollection {
-      // This field can contain *multiple* objects of the type sampled below.
-      schedule: {
-        'task-name': {
-          cronspec: string;
-          type: "fetch" | "submit";
-          params: FetchParams;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-Bank Connections
-Bank connections connect the local Nexus bank account to the bank.
-.. http:post:: <nexus>/bank-connections
-  Activate a new bank connection for the requesting user.
-  **Request:**
-  This request can accept two formats, depending on whether a
-  new bank connection is being made, or a connection backup is
-  being restored.
-  This type allows the creation of new bank accounts.
-  .. _new-conn:
-  .. ts:def:: NewBankConnection
-     interface NewBankConnection {
-       source: string; // only "new" allowed
-       // connection name.
-       name: string;
-       // type of the connection to make: "ebics" for example.
-       type: string;
-       // Strictly dependent from the connection type.  Notably,
-       // a "dialect" field is accepted here to adapt the EBICS client
-       // to one particular bank.
-       data: any;
-     }
-  This type allows to restore a previously made bank connection.
-  .. _restore-conn:
-  .. ts:def:: BankConnectionRestore
-     interface BankConnectionRestore {
-       source: "backup";
-       // connection name.
-       name: string;
-       // Backup data, as typically returned by the
-       // "../export-backup" API.
-       backup: any;
-       passphrase?: string;
-     }
-  The following examples show the EBICS types for creating and
-  restoring a connection.
-  This type is found in the ``data`` field of `NewBankConnection <new-conn_>`_.
-  .. _ebics-new-conn:
-  .. ts:def:: EbicsNewConnection
-    interface EbicsNewConnection {
-      userID: string,
-      partnerID: string,
-      hostID: string,
-      ebicsURL: string,
-      systemID?: string
-    }
-  This type is found in the ``backup`` field of `BankConnectionRestore 
-  .. ts:def:: EbicsBackup
-    interface EbicsBackup {
-      type: string, // constant to "ebics"
-      userID: string,
-      partnerID: string,
-      hostID: string,
-      ebicsURL: string,
-      // The following three values are the EBICS private keys.
-      authBlob: string,
-      encBlob: string,
-      sigBlob: string
-    }
-  **Response:**
-  :http:statuscode:`406 Not acceptable`: a connection with the
-  requested name already exists for this user.
-.. http:post:: {nexusBase}/bank-connections/delete-connection
-  **Request:**
-  .. ts:def:: BankConnectionDeletion
-      interface BankConnectionDeletion {
-        // label of the bank connection to delete
-        bankConnectionId: string;
-      }
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/bank-connections
-   List available bank connections.
-   **Response**
-   A JSON object whose ``bankConnections`` element is a list of the following 
-   .. ts:def:: BankConnection
-       interface BankConnection {
-         // connection type.  For example "ebics".
-         type: string;
-         // connection name as given by the user at
-         // the moment of creation.
-         name: string;
-       }
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/bank-connections/{connId}
-   Get information about one bank connection.
-   .. ts:def:: BankConnectionInfo
-      interface BankConnectionInfo {
-        type: string;
-        owner: string;
-        // if true, this connection can be used to communicate
-        // with the bank.
-        ready: boolean;
-        // Depends on the type.
-        details: any;
-      }
-   For example, the following type occupies the ``details``
-   field for EBICS connections.
-   .. ts:def:: EbicsConnectionInfo
-     interface EbicsConnectionInfo {
-       ebicsUrl: string;
-       ebicsHostId: string;
-       partnerId: string;
-       userId: string;
-     }
-.. http:post:: {nexusBase}/bank-connections/{connId}/connect
-   Initialize the connection by talking to the bank.  For EBICS
-   connections, this endpoint causes Nexus to submit its own keys
-   and download the bank's.  That however **still** requires the
-   user to send the public keys to the bank via post, in order
-   to start operating.
-.. http:post:: {nexusBase}/bank-connections/{connId}/export-backup
-   Make a passphrase-encrypted backup of this connection.
-.. http:post:: {nexusBase}/bank-connections/{connId}/fetch-accounts
-   Update accounts that are accessible via this bank connection.
-   After this operation, Nexus has stored the names of each bank
-   account, under ``connId``, that the bank communicated.
-   Note: after this operation, Nexus **still** needs to
-   `assign each bank account a local name <import-account_>`_ ,
-   in order to start operating.
-.. _import-account:
-.. http:post:: {nexusBase}/bank-connections/{connId}/import-account
-  Import a bank account provided by the connection into the Nexus.
-  This operation assigns a local name to one bank account that was
-  downloaded from the bank.
-  If no Nexus bank account with the ID ``nexusBankAccountId`` exists,
-  a new one will be created, and it will have ``connId`` as the
-  default bank connection.
-  If an existing local bank account whose ID equals ``nexusBankAccountId``
-  already exists, this call fails if ``offeredAccountId`` and 
-  have different IBANs.  If instead the IBAN is the same, this call merely
-  associates ``offeredAccountId`` to ``nexusBankAccountId`` internally
-  in the database without changing ``nexusBankAccountId`` default connection.
-  .. ts:def:: ImportBankAccount
-     interface ImportBankAccount {
-       // Identifier for the bank account, as returned by /accounts
-       // of the bank connection.
-       offeredAccountId: string;
-       // Nexus-local identifier for the bank account.
-       nexusBankAccountId: string;
-     }
-  **Response:**
-  :http:statuscode:`409 Conflict`: ``nexusBankAccountId`` exists already but
-  its IBAN is different from the one carried by ``offeredAccountId``.
-.. http:get:: {nexusBase}/bank-connections/{connId}/accounts
-  List the bank accounts that this bank connection provides access to.
-  **Response:**
-  The response is a JSON object whose ``accounts`` field is a list of the
-  following type.
-  .. ts:def:: OfferedBankAccount
-     interface OfferedBankAccount {
-       // Unique identifier for the offered account
-       offeredAccountId: string;
-       // IBAN of the offered account
-       iban: string;
-       // BIC of the account's financial institution
-       bic: string;
-       // Account owner name
-       ownerName: string;
-       // If the account has been imported,
-       // this field contains the ID of the
-       // Nexus bank account associated with it,
-       // null otherwise.
-       nexusBankAccountId: string | null;
-     }
-.. http:get:: <nexus>/bank-connections/{connId}/messages
-  List *some* details of all the ISO2022 messages gotten from
-  the bank.
-  **Response:**
-  The response is a JSON object whose ``bankMessages`` field
-  is a list of the following type.
-  .. code-block:: ts
-    interface BankMessageInfo {
-      // the message type, typically how the containing layer
-      // (Ebics, for example) would label this information.  For
-      // Camt.053 types, this value is "C53".
-      code: string;
-      // the unique identifier of the message.
-      messageId: string;
-      // bytes length of the message.
-      length: number;
-    }
-.. http:get:: <nexus>/bank-connections/{connId}/messages/{msgId}
-  Return the ISO20022 XML corresponding to ``msgId``.
-.. http:get:: <nexus>/facades/{fcid}
-   **Response:** A `FacadeShowInfo` whose name is ``fcid``.
-.. http:get:: <nexus>/facades
-  List available facades that belong to the requesting user.
-  **Response:**  A list of the following elements:
-  .. ts:def:: FacadeShowInfo
-    interface FacadeShowInfo {
-      // Name of the facade, same as the "fcid" parameter.
-      name: string;
-      // Type of the facade.
-      // For example, "taler-wire-gateway".
-      type: string;
-      // Bas URL of the facade.
-      baseUrl: string;
-      // details depending on the facade type.
-      config: any;
-    }
-  For "taler-wire-gateway" and "anastasis" facades,
-  ``config`` contains the following type:
-  .. ts:def:: TalerAnastasisFacadeState
-     interface TalerAnastasisFacadeState {
-       // Bank connection this facade relies on.
-       bankConnection: string;
-       // (Nexus local) bank account associated to this facade.
-       bankAccount: string;
-       // Whether the facade seeks reports or statements from the bank.
-       reserveTransferLevel: string;
-       currency: string;
-     }
-.. http:delete:: {nexus}/facades/{fcid}
-  Deletes a facade.
-.. http:post:: {nexus}/facades
-  Creates a new facade.
-  **Request:**
-  .. ts:def:: FacadeInfo
-     interface FacadeInfo {
-        // Name of the facade, same as the "fcid" parameter.
-        name: string;
-        // Type of the facade.
-        // For example, "taler-wire-gateway" or "anastasis".
-        type: string;
-        // Bank accounts that the facade has read/write access to.
-        bankAccountsRead?: string[];
-        bankAccountsWrite?: string[];
-        // Bank connections that the facade has read/write access to.
-        bankConnectionsRead?: string[];
-        bankConnectionsWrite?: string[];
-        // Facade-specific configuration details.  Only the
-        // following type is available.
-        config: TalerAnastasisFacadeState;
-     }
-  **Response:**
-  :http:statuscode:`200 OK`: Either the facade was created, or the request was 
-  :http:statuscode:`409 Conflict`: The facade name was unavailable.
-Bank Connection Protocols
-.. http:get:: {nexus}/bank-connection-protocols
-   Lists supported bank connection protocols.
-.. http:post:: {nexus}/bank-connection-protocols/ebics/test-host
-   Check if Nexus can talk to an EBICS host.
-   This doesn't create a new connection in the database,
-   and is useful during setup when the user hasn't entered
-   the full details for the connection yet.
-   .. ts:def:: EbicsHostTestRequest
-      interface EbicsHostTestRequest {
-        ebicsBaseUrl: string;
-        ebicsHostId: string;
-      }
-EBICS-specific APIs
-The following endpoints are only available for EBICS bank connections.
-They are namespaced under the ``/ebics/`` sub-resource.
-.. http:post:: 
-  .. warning::
-    Use with care.  Typically only necessary for testing and debugging.
-  Perform an EBICS download transaction of type ``msg``.
-  This request will not affect any bank account or other state
-  in Nexus database.  It will just make a request to the bank
-  and return the answer.
-Anastasis API.
-This is a read-only API offering a view over *only* the incoming
-transactions of a bank account.  The name comes from the use in
-`Anastasis <>`_.
-.. http:get:: ${BASE_URL}/history/incoming
-  Returns a list of transactions made to the customer.
-  Transactions are identified by a numeric identifier,
-  that reflects the order in which Nexus downloaded each
-  transaction from the bank.
-  The list of returned transactions is determined by a row
-  ID *starting point* and a signed non-zero integer *delta*:
-  * If *delta* is positive, returns a list of up to *delta*
-    transactions (all matching the filter criteria) strictly
-    **after** the starting point.  The transactions are sorted
-    in **ascending** order of the row ID.
-  * If *delta* is negative, return a list of up to *-delta*
-    transactions (all matching the filter criteria) strictly
-    **before** the starting point.  The transactions are sorted
-    in **descending** order of the row ID.
-  If *starting point* is not explicitly given, it defaults to:
-  * A value that is **smaller** than all other row IDs if *delta*
-    is **positive**.
-  * A value that is **larger** than all other row IDs if *delta*
-    is **negative**.
-  **Request**
-  :query start: *Optional.*
-    Row identifier to explicitly set the *starting point* of the query.
-  :query delta:
-    The *delta* value that determines the range of the query.
-  :query long_poll_ms: *Optional.*  If this parameter is specified and the
-    result of the query would be empty, Nexus will wait up to ``long_poll_ms``
-    milliseconds for new transactions that match the query to arrive and only
-    then send the HTTP response.  A client must never rely on this behavior, as
-    Nexus may return a response immediately or after waiting only a fraction
-    of ``long_poll_ms``.
-  **Response**
-  :http:statuscode:`200 OK`: JSON object of type `IncomingHistory`.
-  :http:statuscode:`400 Bad request`: Request malformed. Nexus replies
-  with an `ErrorDetail` object.
-  :http:statuscode:`401 Unauthorized`: Authentication failed, likely
-  the credentials are wrong.
-  :http:statuscode:`404 Not found`: The endpoint is wrong or the user
-  name is unknown. Nexus replies with an `ErrorDetail` object.
-  .. ts:def:: IncomingHistory
-    interface IncomingHistory {
-      // Array of incoming transactions.
-      incoming_transactions : IncomingBankTransaction[];
-    }
-  .. ts:def:: IncomingBankTransaction
-    interface IncomingBankTransaction {
-      // Opaque identifier of the returned record.
-      row_id: SafeUint64;
-      // Date of the transaction.
-      date: Timestamp;
-      // Amount transferred.
-      amount: Amount;
-      // Payto URI to identify the receiver of funds.
-      // Typically an exchange's bank accounts.
-      credit_account: string;
-      // Payto URI to identify the sender of funds.
-      debit_account: string;
-      // subject of the incoming payment.
-      subject: string;
-    }
-Reaching the facade
-Once a facade with name ``fcid`` and type ``ftype`` has been
-created, all its endpoints become offered by the following base
-.. code-block:: console
-   $NEXUS_URL/facades/$fcid/$ftype
-For example, a ``taler-wire-gateway`` facade named ``foo`` will
-offer its endpoints under
-.. code-block:: console
diff --git a/core/api-bank.rst b/core/api-bank.rst
index 8bad5db2..88d01c8c 100644
--- a/core/api-bank.rst
+++ b/core/api-bank.rst
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ Bank RESTful APIs
-  api-bank-nexus
 .. toctree::

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