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[taler-twister] 03/03: move taler-specific stuff to the taler exchange
From: |
gnunet |
Subject: |
[taler-twister] 03/03: move taler-specific stuff to the taler exchange |
Date: |
Sun, 19 Jan 2020 16:01:23 +0100 |
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dold pushed a commit to branch master
in repository twister.
commit fe04de51d03a043160cdaf2ce58badbfab9c2758
Author: Florian Dold <address@hidden>
AuthorDate: Sun Jan 19 15:45:13 2020 +0100
move taler-specific stuff to the taler exchange
configure.ac | 28 -
src/include/Makefile.am | 3 +-
src/include/taler_twister_testing_lib.h | 152 -----
src/twister/Makefile.am | 14 -
src/twister/testing_api_cmd_exec_client.c | 1017 -----------------------------
src/twister/testing_api_helpers.c | 156 -----
6 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1369 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 50401e2..697e570 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -264,34 +264,6 @@ CFLAGS=$CFLAGS_SAVE
-# Check for Taler's libtalertesting
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libtalertesting])
- [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-exchange=PFX],
- [base of Taler EXCHANGE installation, provides testing
- [AC_MSG_RESULT([given as $with_exchange])],
- [AC_MSG_RESULT(not given)
- with_exchange=yes])
- [yes], [],
- [no], [],
- [LDFLAGS="-L$with_exchange/lib $LDFLAGS"
- CPPFLAGS="-I$with_exchange/include $CPPFLAGS"])
-LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/usr/local/lib"
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS([gnunet/platform.h taler/taler_testing_lib.h],
- [AC_CHECK_LIB([talertesting], [TALER_TESTING_setup],
libtalertesting=1,,[-ltalerexchange -ltalerbank])],
- #include <gnunet/platform.h>
- #endif])
-AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_TALERTESTING, test x$libtalertesting = x1)
# test for zlib
diff --git a/src/include/Makefile.am b/src/include/Makefile.am
index f2afa21..7166b9c 100644
--- a/src/include/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/include/Makefile.am
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ SUBDIRS = .
talerincludedir = $(includedir)/taler
talerinclude_HEADERS = \
- taler_twister_service.h \
- taler_twister_testing_lib.h
+ taler_twister_service.h
diff --git a/src/include/taler_twister_testing_lib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f35efe1..0000000
--- a/src/include/taler_twister_testing_lib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of TALER
- (C) 2018 Taler Systems SA
- TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
- * @file include/taler_twister_testing_lib.h
- * @brief API for using twister-dependant test commands.
- * @author Christian Grothoff <address@hidden>
- * @author Marcello Stanisci
- */
-#include <taler/taler_testing_lib.h>
-#define TWISTER_FAIL() \
- do {GNUNET_break (0); return NULL; } while (0)
- * Define a "hack response code" CMD. This causes the next
- * response code (from the service proxied by the twister) to
- * be substituted with @a http_status.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param http_status new response code to use
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_hack_response_code (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- unsigned int http_status);
- * Create a "delete object" CMD. This command deletes
- * the JSON object pointed by @a path.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param path object-like path notation to point the object
- * to delete.
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_delete_object (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- const char *path);
- * Create a "modify object" CMD. This command instructs
- * the twister to modify the next object that is downloaded
- * from the proxied service.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param path object-like path notation to point the object
- * to modify.
- * @param value value to put as the object's.
- *
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_modify_object_dl (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- const char *path,
- const char *value);
- * Create a "modify object" CMD. This command instructs
- * the twister to modify the next object that will be uploaded
- * to the proxied service.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param path object-like path notation pointing the object
- * to modify.
- * @param value value to put as the object's.
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_modify_object_ul (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- const char *path,
- const char *value);
- * Create a "malform response" CMD. This command makes
- * the next response randomly malformed (by truncating it).
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- *
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_malform_response (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename);
- * Create a "malform request" CMD. This command makes the
- * next request randomly malformed (by truncating it).
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_malform_request (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename);
- * Define a "flip object" command, for objects to upload.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param path object-like path notation to point the object
- * to flip.
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_flip_upload (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- const char *path);
- * Define a "flip object" command, for objects to download.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param path object-like path notation to point the object
- * to flip.
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_flip_download (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- const char *path);
diff --git a/src/twister/Makefile.am b/src/twister/Makefile.am
index 411e19d..93444a3 100644
--- a/src/twister/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/twister/Makefile.am
@@ -31,20 +31,6 @@ taler_twister_LDADD = \
-lib_LTLIBRARIES += libtalertwistertesting.la
-libtalertwistertesting_la_SOURCES = \
- testing_api_helpers.c \
- testing_api_cmd_exec_client.c
-libtalertwistertesting_la_LIBADD = \
- -lgnunetutil \
- -ltalertesting \
- $(XLIB)
-libtalertwistertesting_la_LDFLAGS = \
- -version-info 0:0:0
libtalertwister_la_SOURCES = \
twister_api.c twister.h
libtalertwister_la_LIBADD = \
diff --git a/src/twister/testing_api_cmd_exec_client.c
deleted file mode 100644
index efdac46..0000000
--- a/src/twister/testing_api_cmd_exec_client.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1017 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of TALER
- (C) 2018 Taler Systems SA
- TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
- * @file include/testing_api_cmd_exec_client.h
- * @brief test commands aimed to call the CLI twister client
- * to drive its behaviour.
- * @author Christian Grothoff <address@hidden>
- * @author Marcello Stanisci
- */
-#include "platform.h"
-#include <taler/taler_testing_lib.h>
-#include "taler_twister_testing_lib.h"
- * State for a "modify object" CMD.
- */
-struct ModifyObjectState
- /**
- * Process handle for the twister CLI client.
- */
- struct GNUNET_OS_Process *proc;
- /**
- * Object-like notation to the object to delete.
- */
- const char *path;
- /**
- * Value to substitute to the original one.
- */
- const char *value;
- /**
- * Config file name to pass to the CLI client.
- */
- const char *config_filename;
- * State for a "flip object" CMD.
- */
-struct FlipObjectState
- /**
- * Process handle for the twister CLI client.
- */
- struct GNUNET_OS_Process *proc;
- /**
- * Object-like notation to the string-object to flip.
- */
- const char *path;
- /**
- * Config file name to pass to the CLI client.
- */
- const char *config_filename;
- * State for a "delete object" CMD.
- */
-struct DeleteObjectState
- /**
- * Process handle for the twister CLI client.
- */
- struct GNUNET_OS_Process *proc;
- /**
- * Object-like notation to the object to delete.
- */
- const char *path;
- /**
- * Config file name to pass to the CLI client.
- */
- const char *config_filename;
- * State for a "malform request" CMD.
- */
-struct MalformRequestState
- /**
- * Process handle for the twister CLI client.
- */
- struct GNUNET_OS_Process *proc;
- /**
- * Config file name to pass to the CLI client.
- */
- const char *config_filename;
- * State for a "malform response" CMD.
- */
-struct MalformResponseState
- /**
- * Process handle for the twister CLI client.
- */
- struct GNUNET_OS_Process *proc;
- /**
- * Config file name to pass to the CLI client.
- */
- const char *config_filename;
- * State for a "hack response code" CMD.
- */
-struct HackResponseCodeState
- /**
- * Process handle for the twister CLI client.
- */
- struct GNUNET_OS_Process *proc;
- /**
- * HTTP status code to substitute to the original one.
- */
- unsigned int http_status;
- /**
- * Config file name to pass to the CLI client.
- */
- const char *config_filename;
- * Free the state from a "hack response code" CMD, and
- * possibly kill its process if it did not terminate yet.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being cleaned up.
- */
-static void
- (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd)
- struct HackResponseCodeState *hrcs = cls;
- if (NULL != hrcs->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0 == GNUNET_OS_process_kill (hrcs->proc,
- GNUNET_OS_process_wait (hrcs->proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (hrcs->proc);
- hrcs->proc = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_free (hrcs);
- * Offer data internal to a "hack response code" CMD,
- * to other commands.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param ret[out] result (could be anything)
- * @param trait name of the trait
- * @param index index number of the object to offer.
- * @return #GNUNET_OK on success
- */
-static int
-hack_response_code_traits (void *cls,
- const void **ret,
- const char *trait,
- unsigned int index)
- struct HackResponseCodeState *hrcs = cls;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Trait traits[] = {
- TALER_TESTING_make_trait_process (0, &hrcs->proc),
- TALER_TESTING_trait_end ()
- };
- return TALER_TESTING_get_trait (traits,
- ret,
- trait,
- index);
- * Run a "hack response code" CMD.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being run.
- * @param is the interpreter state.
- */
-static void
-hack_response_code_run (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd,
- struct TALER_TESTING_Interpreter *is)
- struct HackResponseCodeState *hrcs = cls;
- char *http_status;
- GNUNET_asprintf (&http_status, "%u",
- hrcs->http_status);
- hrcs->proc = GNUNET_OS_start_process
- "taler-twister",
- "taler-twister",
- "-c", hrcs->config_filename,
- "--responsecode", http_status,
- NULL);
- if (NULL == hrcs->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is);
- return;
- }
- TALER_TESTING_wait_for_sigchld (is);
- GNUNET_free (http_status);
- * Define a "hack response code" CMD. This causes the next
- * response code (from the service proxied by the twister) to
- * be substituted with @a http_status.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param http_status new response code to use
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_hack_response_code (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- unsigned int http_status)
- struct HackResponseCodeState *hrcs;
- hrcs = GNUNET_new (struct HackResponseCodeState);
- hrcs->http_status = http_status;
- hrcs->config_filename = config_filename;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Command cmd = {
- .label = label,
- .run = &hack_response_code_run,
- .cleanup = &hack_response_code_cleanup,
- .traits = &hack_response_code_traits,
- .cls = hrcs
- };
- return cmd;
- * Free the state from a "delete object" CMD, and
- * possibly kill its process if it did not terminate yet.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being cleaned up.
- */
-static void
- (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd)
- struct DeleteObjectState *dos = cls;
- if (NULL != dos->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0 == GNUNET_OS_process_kill (dos->proc,
- GNUNET_OS_process_wait (dos->proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (dos->proc);
- dos->proc = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_free (dos);
- * Offer data internal to a "delete object" CMD,
- * to other commands.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param ret[out] result (could be anything)
- * @param trait name of the trait
- * @param index index number of the object to offer.
- * @return #GNUNET_OK on success
- */
-static int
-delete_object_traits (void *cls,
- const void **ret,
- const char *trait,
- unsigned int index)
- struct DeleteObjectState *dos = cls;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Trait traits[] = {
- TALER_TESTING_make_trait_process (0, &dos->proc),
- TALER_TESTING_trait_end ()
- };
- return TALER_TESTING_get_trait (traits,
- ret,
- trait,
- index);
- * Run a "delete object" CMD.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being run.
- * @param is the interpreter state.
- */
-static void
-delete_object_run (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd,
- struct TALER_TESTING_Interpreter *is)
- struct DeleteObjectState *dos = cls;
- dos->proc = GNUNET_OS_start_process (GNUNET_NO,
- "taler-twister",
- "taler-twister",
- "-c", dos->config_filename,
- "--deleteobject", dos->path,
- NULL);
- if (NULL == dos->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is);
- return;
- }
- TALER_TESTING_wait_for_sigchld (is);
- * Free the state from a "modify object" CMD, and
- * possibly kill its process if it did not terminate yet.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being cleaned up.
- */
-static void
- (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd)
- struct ModifyObjectState *mos = cls;
- if (NULL != mos->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0 == GNUNET_OS_process_kill (mos->proc,
- GNUNET_OS_process_wait (mos->proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (mos->proc);
- mos->proc = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_free (mos);
- * Offer data internal to a "modify object" CMD,
- * to other commands.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param ret[out] result (could be anything)
- * @param trait name of the trait
- * @param index index number of the object to offer.
- * @return #GNUNET_OK on success
- */
-static int
-modify_object_traits (void *cls,
- const void **ret,
- const char *trait,
- unsigned int index)
- struct ModifyObjectState *mos = cls;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Trait traits[] = {
- TALER_TESTING_make_trait_process (0, &mos->proc),
- TALER_TESTING_trait_end ()
- };
- return TALER_TESTING_get_trait (traits,
- ret,
- trait,
- index);
- * Run a "modify object" CMD. The "download fashion" of it.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being run.
- * @param is the interpreter state.
- */
-static void
-modify_object_dl_run (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd,
- struct TALER_TESTING_Interpreter *is)
- struct ModifyObjectState *mos = cls;
- mos->proc = GNUNET_OS_start_process (GNUNET_NO,
- "taler-twister",
- "taler-twister",
- "-c", mos->config_filename,
- "-m", mos->path,
- "--value", mos->value,
- NULL);
- if (NULL == mos->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is);
- return;
- }
- TALER_TESTING_wait_for_sigchld (is);
- * Run a "modify object" CMD, the "upload fashion" of it.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being run.
- * @param is the interpreter state.
- */
-static void
-modify_object_ul_run (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd,
- struct TALER_TESTING_Interpreter *is)
- struct ModifyObjectState *mos = cls;
- mos->proc = GNUNET_OS_start_process (GNUNET_NO,
- "taler-twister",
- "taler-twister",
- "-c", mos->config_filename,
- "-X", mos->path,
- "--value", mos->value,
- NULL);
- if (NULL == mos->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is);
- return;
- }
- TALER_TESTING_wait_for_sigchld (is);
- * Create a "delete object" CMD. This command deletes
- * the JSON object pointed by @a path.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param path object-like path notation to point the object
- * to delete.
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_delete_object (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- const char *path)
- struct DeleteObjectState *dos;
- dos = GNUNET_new (struct DeleteObjectState);
- dos->path = path;
- dos->config_filename = config_filename;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Command cmd = {
- .label = label,
- .run = &delete_object_run,
- .cleanup = &delete_object_cleanup,
- .traits = &delete_object_traits,
- .cls = dos
- };
- return cmd;
- * Free the state from a "flip object" CMD, and
- * possibly kill its process if it did not terminate yet.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being cleaned up.
- */
-static void
- (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd)
- struct FlipObjectState *fos = cls;
- if (NULL != fos->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0 == GNUNET_OS_process_kill (fos->proc,
- GNUNET_OS_process_wait (fos->proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (fos->proc);
- fos->proc = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_free (fos);
- * Offer data internal to a "flip object" CMD,
- * to other commands.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param ret[out] result (could be anything)
- * @param trait name of the trait
- * @param index index number of the object to offer.
- * @return #GNUNET_OK on success
- */
-static int
-flip_object_traits (void *cls,
- const void **ret,
- const char *trait,
- unsigned int index)
- struct FlipObjectState *fos = cls;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Trait traits[] = {
- TALER_TESTING_make_trait_process (0, &fos->proc),
- TALER_TESTING_trait_end ()
- };
- return TALER_TESTING_get_trait (traits,
- ret,
- trait,
- index);
- * Run a "flip object" CMD, the upload fashion of it.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being run.
- * @param is the interpreter state.
- */
-static void
-flip_upload_run (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd,
- struct TALER_TESTING_Interpreter *is)
- struct FlipObjectState *fos = cls;
- fos->proc = GNUNET_OS_start_process (GNUNET_NO,
- "taler-twister",
- "taler-twister",
- "-c", fos->config_filename,
- "--flip-ul", fos->path,
- NULL);
- if (NULL == fos->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is);
- return;
- }
- TALER_TESTING_wait_for_sigchld (is);
- * Run a "flip object" CMD, the download fashion of it.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being run.
- * @param is the interpreter state.
- */
-static void
-flip_download_run (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd,
- struct TALER_TESTING_Interpreter *is)
- struct FlipObjectState *fos = cls;
- fos->proc = GNUNET_OS_start_process (GNUNET_NO,
- "taler-twister",
- "taler-twister",
- "-c", fos->config_filename,
- "--flip-dl", fos->path,
- NULL);
- if (NULL == fos->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is);
- return;
- }
- TALER_TESTING_wait_for_sigchld (is);
- * Define a "flip object" command, for objects to upload.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param path object-like path notation to point the object
- * to flip.
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_flip_upload (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- const char *path)
- struct FlipObjectState *dos;
- dos = GNUNET_new (struct FlipObjectState);
- dos->path = path;
- dos->config_filename = config_filename;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Command cmd = {
- .label = label,
- .run = &flip_upload_run,
- .cleanup = &flip_object_cleanup,
- .traits = &flip_object_traits,
- .cls = dos
- };
- return cmd;
- * Define a "flip object" command, for objects to download.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param path object-like path notation to point the object
- * to flip.
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_flip_download (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- const char *path)
- struct FlipObjectState *dos;
- dos = GNUNET_new (struct FlipObjectState);
- dos->path = path;
- dos->config_filename = config_filename;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Command cmd = {
- .label = label,
- .run = &flip_download_run,
- .cleanup = &flip_object_cleanup,
- .traits = &flip_object_traits,
- .cls = dos
- };
- return cmd;
- * Free the state from a "malform request" CMD, and
- * possibly kill its process if it did not terminate yet.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being cleaned up.
- */
-static void
-malform_request_cleanup (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd)
- struct MalformRequestState *mrs = cls;
- if (NULL != mrs->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0 == GNUNET_OS_process_kill (mrs->proc,
- GNUNET_OS_process_wait (mrs->proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (mrs->proc);
- mrs->proc = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_free (mrs);
- * Offer data internal to a "malform request" CMD,
- * to other commands.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param ret[out] result (could be anything)
- * @param trait name of the trait
- * @param index index number of the object to offer.
- * @return #GNUNET_OK on success
- */
-static int
-malform_request_traits (void *cls,
- const void **ret,
- const char *trait,
- unsigned int index)
- struct MalformRequestState *mrs = cls;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Trait traits[] = {
- TALER_TESTING_make_trait_process (0, &mrs->proc),
- TALER_TESTING_trait_end ()
- };
- return TALER_TESTING_get_trait (traits,
- ret,
- trait,
- index);
- * Run a "malform request" CMD.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being run.
- * @param is the interpreter state.
- */
-static void
-malform_request_run (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd,
- struct TALER_TESTING_Interpreter *is)
- struct MalformRequestState *mrs = cls;
- mrs->proc = GNUNET_OS_start_process (GNUNET_NO,
- "taler-twister",
- "taler-twister",
- "-c", mrs->config_filename,
- "--malformupload",
- NULL);
- if (NULL == mrs->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is);
- return;
- }
- TALER_TESTING_wait_for_sigchld (is);
- * Free the state from a "malform response" CMD, and
- * possibly kill its process if it did not terminate yet.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being cleaned up.
- */
-static void
- (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd)
- struct MalformResponseState *mrs = cls;
- if (NULL != mrs->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0 == GNUNET_OS_process_kill (mrs->proc,
- GNUNET_OS_process_wait (mrs->proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (mrs->proc);
- mrs->proc = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_free (mrs);
- * Offer data internal to a "malform response" CMD,
- * to other commands.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param ret[out] result (could be anything)
- * @param trait name of the trait
- * @param index index number of the object to offer.
- * @return #GNUNET_OK on success
- */
-static int
-malform_response_traits (void *cls,
- const void **ret,
- const char *trait,
- unsigned int index)
- struct MalformResponseState *mrs = cls;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Trait traits[] = {
- TALER_TESTING_make_trait_process (0, &mrs->proc),
- TALER_TESTING_trait_end ()
- };
- return TALER_TESTING_get_trait (traits,
- ret,
- trait,
- index);
- * Run a "malform response" CMD.
- *
- * @param cls closure.
- * @param cmd the command being run.
- * @param is the interpreter state.
- */
-static void
-malform_response_run (void *cls,
- const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd,
- struct TALER_TESTING_Interpreter *is)
- struct MalformResponseState *mrs = cls;
- mrs->proc = GNUNET_OS_start_process (GNUNET_NO,
- "taler-twister",
- "taler-twister",
- "-c", mrs->config_filename,
- "--malform",
- NULL);
- if (NULL == mrs->proc)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is);
- return;
- }
- TALER_TESTING_wait_for_sigchld (is);
- * Create a "malform request" CMD. This command makes the
- * next request randomly malformed (by truncating it).
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_malform_request (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename)
- struct MalformRequestState *mrs;
- mrs = GNUNET_new (struct MalformRequestState);
- mrs->config_filename = config_filename;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Command cmd = {
- .label = label,
- .run = &malform_request_run,
- .cleanup = &malform_request_cleanup,
- .traits = &malform_request_traits,
- .cls = mrs
- };
- return cmd;
- * Create a "malform response" CMD. This command makes
- * the next response randomly malformed (by truncating it).
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- *
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_malform_response (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename)
- struct MalformResponseState *mrs;
- mrs = GNUNET_new (struct MalformResponseState);
- mrs->config_filename = config_filename;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Command cmd = {
- .label = label,
- .run = &malform_response_run,
- .cleanup = &malform_response_cleanup,
- .traits = &malform_response_traits,
- .cls = mrs
- };
- return cmd;
- * Create a "modify object" CMD. This command instructs
- * the twister to modify the next object that is downloaded
- * from the proxied service.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param path object-like path notation to point the object
- * to modify.
- * @param value value to put as the object's.
- *
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_modify_object_dl (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- const char *path,
- const char *value)
- struct ModifyObjectState *mos;
- mos = GNUNET_new (struct ModifyObjectState);
- mos->path = path;
- mos->value = value;
- mos->config_filename = config_filename;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Command cmd = {
- .label = label,
- .run = &modify_object_dl_run,
- .cleanup = &modify_object_cleanup,
- .traits = &modify_object_traits,
- .cls = mos
- };
- return cmd;
- * Create a "modify object" CMD. This command instructs
- * the twister to modify the next object that will be uploaded
- * to the proxied service.
- *
- * @param label command label
- * @param config_filename configuration filename.
- * @param path object-like path notation pointing the object
- * to modify.
- * @param value value to put as the object's.
- * @return the command
- */
-struct TALER_TESTING_Command
-TALER_TESTING_cmd_modify_object_ul (const char *label,
- const char *config_filename,
- const char *path,
- const char *value)
- struct ModifyObjectState *mos;
- mos = GNUNET_new (struct ModifyObjectState);
- mos->path = path;
- mos->value = value;
- mos->config_filename = config_filename;
- struct TALER_TESTING_Command cmd = {
- .label = label,
- .run = &modify_object_ul_run,
- .cleanup = &modify_object_cleanup,
- .traits = &modify_object_traits,
- .cls = mos
- };
- return cmd;
-/* end of testing_api_cmd_exec_client.c */
diff --git a/src/twister/testing_api_helpers.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f6a48a..0000000
--- a/src/twister/testing_api_helpers.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of TALER
- Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Taler Systems SA
- TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
- * @file twister/testing_api_helpers.c
- * @brief helper functions for test library.
- * @author Christian Grothoff
- * @author Marcello Stanisci
- */
-#include "platform.h"
-#include <gnunet/gnunet_util_lib.h>
-#include "taler_twister_testing_lib.h"
- * Prepare twister for execution; mainly checks whether the
- * HTTP port is available and construct the base URL based on it.
- *
- * @param config_filename configuration file name.
- * @return twister base URL, NULL upon errors.
- */
-char *
-TALER_TWISTER_prepare_twister (const char *config_filename)
- struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg;
- unsigned long long port;
- char *base_url;
- cfg = GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_create ();
- (cfg, config_filename))
- if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number
- (cfg, "twister",
- "HTTP_PORT", &port))
- {
- GNUNET_log_config_missing (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR,
- "twister",
- }
- if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_NETWORK_test_port_free
- (IPPROTO_TCP, (uint16_t) port))
- {
- fprintf (stderr,
- "Required port %llu not available, skipping.\n",
- port);
- }
- GNUNET_assert (0 < GNUNET_asprintf
- (&base_url,
- "http://localhost:%llu/";,
- port));
- return base_url;
- * Run the twister service.
- *
- * @param config_filename configuration file name.
- * @return twister process handle, NULL upon errors.
- */
-struct GNUNET_OS_Process *
-TALER_TWISTER_run_twister (const char *config_filename)
- struct GNUNET_OS_Process *proc;
- struct GNUNET_OS_Process *client_proc;
- unsigned long code;
- enum GNUNET_OS_ProcessStatusType type;
- proc = GNUNET_OS_start_process (GNUNET_NO,
- "taler-twister-service",
- "taler-twister-service",
- "-c", config_filename,
- NULL);
- if (NULL == proc)
- client_proc = GNUNET_OS_start_process (GNUNET_NO,
- "taler-twister",
- "taler-twister",
- "-c", config_filename,
- "-a", NULL);
- if (NULL == client_proc)
- {
- "Could not start the taler-twister client\n");
- GNUNET_OS_process_kill (proc, SIGTERM);
- GNUNET_OS_process_wait (proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (proc);
- }
- if (GNUNET_SYSERR == GNUNET_OS_process_wait_status
- (client_proc, &type, &code))
- {
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (client_proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_kill (proc, SIGTERM);
- GNUNET_OS_process_wait (proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (proc);
- }
- if ( (type == GNUNET_OS_PROCESS_EXITED) &&
- (0 != code) )
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Failed to check twister works.\n");
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (client_proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_kill (proc, SIGTERM);
- GNUNET_OS_process_wait (proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (proc);
- }
- if ( (type != GNUNET_OS_PROCESS_EXITED) ||
- (0 != code) )
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected error running"
- " `taler-twister'!\n");
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (client_proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_kill (proc, SIGTERM);
- GNUNET_OS_process_wait (proc);
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (proc);
- }
- GNUNET_OS_process_destroy (client_proc);
- return proc;
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