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[GNUnet-SVN] [taler-wallet-core] branch master updated: remove outdated

From: gnunet
Subject: [GNUnet-SVN] [taler-wallet-core] branch master updated: remove outdated docs, docs now are in docs.git
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2019 17:19:20 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dold pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wallet-core.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new cec90dc2 remove outdated docs, docs now are in docs.git
cec90dc2 is described below

commit cec90dc294677d58ec86ec9c4760301d55f33c65
Author: Florian Dold <address@hidden>
AuthorDate: Sat Sep 14 17:19:15 2019 +0200

    remove outdated docs, docs now are in docs.git
 doc/dev-wallet-wx.rst | 212 --------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 212 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/dev-wallet-wx.rst b/doc/dev-wallet-wx.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ba29975..00000000
--- a/doc/dev-wallet-wx.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-  This file is part of GNU TALER.
-  Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA
-  TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-  Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.
-  TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
-  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 
along with
-  TALER; see the file COPYING.  If not, see <>
-  @author Florian Dold
-WebExtensions Wallet
-The WebExtensions Wallet (*wxwallet*) can be used to pay with GNU Taler on web
-sites from within modern web browsers.  The `WebExtensions
-<>`_ API enables the development of
-cross-browser extensions.  Google Chrome / Chromium, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and
-Microsoft Edge will all offer support for WebExtensions and thus be able to 
support Taler.
-Currently Chrome hast the best support for WebExtensions (since the API is a
-superset of Chrome's extension API).
-Development Environment
-The *wxwallet* mainly written in the `TypeScript
-<>`_ language, which is a statically typed
-superset of JavaScript.
-While the *wxwallet* is mainly intended to be run from inside a browser, the
-logic is implemented in browser-independent modules that can also be called
-from other environments such as `nodejs <>`_.  This is
-especially useful for automatically running unit tests.
-Project Structure
-.. parsed-literal::
-  **manifest.json**               extension configuration
-  **package.json**                node.js package configuration
-  **tsconfig.json**               TypeScript compiler configuration
-  **gulpfile.js**                 Build tasks script
-  **lib/**
-      **vendor/**                 3rd party libraries
-      **wallet/**                 actual application logic
-      **emscripten/**             emscripten object file and glue
-  **test/**
-       **run_tests.js**           nodejs entry point for tests
-       **tests/**                 test cases
-  **content_scripts/notify.ts**   wallet<->website signaling
-  **backgrond/main.ts**           backend entry point
-  **img/**                        static image resources
-  **style/**                      CSS stylesheets
-  **pages/**                      pages shown in browser tabs
-  **popup/**                      pages shown the extension popup
-Building the Wallet
-To build the extension for use during development, simply run the TypeScript 
-from the extension directory:
-.. code-block:: sh
-  $ cd wallet.git/wallet_webextension/extension/
-  $ tsc
-This will use the ``tsconfig.json`` with development options such as `source 
map`_ support.
-.. _`source map`:
-When TypeScript source files are added or deleted to the project, make sure 
that the
-globs in ``gulpfile.js`` match them so that they will be compiled.  The 
-is generated by running:
-.. code-block:: sh
-  $ gulp tsconfig
-.. caution::
-  Do not edit the ``tsconfig.json`` manually.  The source files should be 
defined in
-  one place, and that is ``gulpfile.js``.
-To pack the extension in a format that can be uploaded to the Google Webstore, 
-.. code-block:: sh
-  $ gulp package
-This will build the wallet without source maps, copy resource files (which 
also need to be
-specified in ``gulpfile.js``) and create an archive.
-`Emscripten <>`_ is C/C++
-to JavaScript compiler.  Emscripten is used in the *wxwallet* to access
-low-level cryptography from *libgcrypt*, and miscellaneous functionality from
-*libgnunetutil* and *libtalerwallet*.
-TODO: say things about wrappers
-Target Environments and Modularization
-Modules in the wallet are declared in TypeScript with
-the ES6 module syntax.  These modules are then compiled
-to `SystemJS <>`_ `register` modules.
-SystemJS modules can be loaded from the browser as well as from nodejs.
-However they require special entry points that configure the module system,
-load modules and execute code.  Examples are `backgrond/main.ts` for the
-browser and `test/run_tests.js` for nodejs.
-Note that special care has to be taken when loading the Emscript code,
-as it is not compatible with the SystemJS module, even in the `globals`
-compatibility mode.
-The TypeScript sources in the *wxwallet* are compiled down to ES5, both to
-enable running in node.js without transpilers and to avoid a `bug
-<>`_ in the TypeScript
-IndexedDB Query Abstractions
-The *wxwallet* uses a fluent-style API for queries on IndexedDB.
-TODO: say more about this
-Test cases for the wallet are written in TypeScript and
-run with `mochajs <>`_ and the `better-assert 
<>`_ assertion
-Run the default test suite with ``npm run test``, which will
-call `mocha` with the right parameters.
-Strings in the JavaScript code are internationalised using the following 
-- *i18n*: translate string with arbitrary arguments, the result is returned as 
-.. code-block:: js
-  i18n`You have ${n} coins.`
-- **: Interpolate i18nized values with arbitrary objects.
-  Useful for example to include HTML elements.
-.. code-block:: js
-`Visit ${link} to get more coins.`
-- *i18n.pluralize*: translate with plural form.
-  The i18n.number() function returns a ``PluralNumber`` object
-  that specifies the argument that determines the plural form,
-  if not present the first numeric argument is used.
-.. code-block:: js
-  i18n.pluralize(
-    i18n`${i}: you have ${i18n.number(n)} coin.`,
-        `${i}: you have ${i18n.number(n)} coins.`);
-These functions are defined in ``lib/i18n.ts``.
-Include ``lib/vendor/jed.js``, ``lib/i18n.js``, ``lib/i18n-strings.js`` to use 
-To extract strings from sources and update the .po files, run:
-.. code-block:: sh
-  $ make i18n
-In static HTML files the ``lang`` attribute is used for language-specific 
-.. code-block:: html
-  <p lang="en">Hello World!</p>
-  <p lang="de">Hallo Welt!</p>
-``lib/i18n.js`` and ``style/lang.css`` needs to be included for this to work.

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