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Re: [GNUnet-developers] Fwd: On applications using GNUnet

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [GNUnet-developers] Fwd: On applications using GNUnet
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2019 19:03:24 +0200
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On 8/6/19 5:05 PM, Alessio Vanni wrote:
> Christian Grothoff <address@hidden> writes:
>> Yes, if you have your own build system, you should not include
>> "gnunet/platform.h", but instead include your own config.h and your own
>> system headers.  gnunet/platform.h is for this very reason not #included
>> in any of our usual exported headers, and not considered one of our
>> APIs. It includes the platform-specifics of this GNUnet installation.
>> So indeed the answer is to simply not include it, you should not need it
>> to interact with GNUnet!
> The thing is, both the developer tutorial on and gnunet-ext
> include platform.h.  Either the #include should be removed by both
> places, or a note should be added saying that if autoconf or similar is
> used then platform.h should not be used.  As it is, the messages seems
> to be that platform.h is required to make a working GNUnet application.

You are probably correct, the reason why these use 'platform.h' is
simply laziness -- we didn't "need" to change the project name and
stuff, and re-doing the right system-#include's would have been extra
work, so the lazy solution was to #include the gnunet/platform.h. But
it's exactly that: laziness, and as you said, likely confusing people.

So a patch to remove that #include would be welcome.

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