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Re: [GNUnet-developers] clang formatting discussion

From: ng0
Subject: Re: [GNUnet-developers] clang formatting discussion
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2019 19:34:02 +0000

Christian Grothoff transcribed 5.4K bytes:
> From private discussion with Martin where I pointed out a few style
> issues I didn't like and Martin either created fixes or determined that
> what I wanted was not (yet) possible...
> (forwarding with permission)...
> On 4/17/19 3:58 PM, Schanzenbach, Martin wrote:
> > The thing is clang-format is built with the most common styles in
> > mind (including GNU). It does not cover every little corner case and
> > does not want to in order to keep it simple (see
> >
> Yes, I did read that in the manual as well. Still, in the "worst case"
> we could consider patching it ourselves, but it would have to be a
> reasonably painful issue to justify that.
> > So either we move towards a tool-based solution (idk any other good
> > besides clang-format) and sacrifice such little issues like odd
> > formatting in the case of yoda expressions or just leave it as is.
> Well, the list of sacrifices (= styles generated by the tool that I
> personally don't like) is still a bit long. Regardless, I should start
> by saying that I appreciate your efforts at making it shorter, and I am
> still optimistic that this can be fixed. In the past we tried to get
> there with GNU indent (even patching it!), but ultimately it didn't
> quite work out. My feeling is that GNU indent didn't work in part
> because it ultimately required installing indent with our patches, and
> also in part because it didn't integrate with editors nicely.
> On that last point:
> There is still a few things we need to figure out (others on
> gnunet-developers might weigh in here). First of all, how compatible is
> this actually going to be with editing in Emacs and other editors?
> Sure, running an external tool afterwards is always possible, but does
> this integrate with Emacs to the point that the formatting is
> applied/conveniently apply-able during editing? (Say what I do right
> now: press Tab and have the indentation match what clang will do? Or can
> we adjust the existing Emacs style (and other editors!) to match 100%
> what clang formatter generates?)

I'm not sure about the well integrating part, but the integrating
part exists - search for clang-format.el and similar modules for
I mostly use nvi, so I am not the best to give advice about
anything doing auto format.. but clang-format.el looks like
what I would use or what I would update if it were broken (last
patch to it: 2014). Tbh looks easy enough to work on it to adjust
to our needs, I might give it a try once I need it.
> Naturally, some of the style issues that remain (like the impossibility
> to force a break after function arguments even if the line is short even
> without one) may feed into this.

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