[GNUnet-developers] Re: Gnunet-gtk ; gnunetd fails to start FIXED
[GNUnet-developers] Re: Gnunet-gtk ; gnunetd fails to start FIXED
Thu, 28 Oct 2004 12:18:56 +0200
Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040926)
I have fixed the code. The problem was not that gnunetd was not in
my path, because it was. The problem was that argv[0] is compared to
NULL, or, for me, if i dont execute with the full path, and only type
gnunet-gtk, argv[0]="gnunet-gtk", so gnunetd is never executed with
execvp (with the path) because argv[0] never NULL. So, I have modified
in the file helper.c, where we search for "/", and if we found no
backslash, then execute execvp (with path), considering the command
executed is in the path.