On Tuesday 24 Aug 2004 4:33 pm, hwkks wrote:
Ok, sorry, I see I was too fast. I thought it would be like mldonkey and
sancho(a GUI). The core does all the work and the GUI is only for
viewing and simple operating. I should have read the docu more
carefully, sorry about that.
But what I really wanted to build is a GUI like Sancho. If I understand
it right the client has to run as long as you download a file. In a case
where the core runs on a router without a display and the client works
on another PC this would not be optimal. In this case it would be better
if the core and client work on the router while I interact with the
client from a GUI on my win32 system. So I can close the GUI and
shutdown my system while gnunet still downloads my files on the router.
But I guess you don't plan to implement this into the client, or?
GNUnet's main page (on ovmj.org) lists under 'Roadmap':
* add download-daemon that manages ongoing/completed/stalled downloads
This would pretty much be exactly what you're asking for (you'd run gnunetd
and the download-daemon on the router and then your GUI would talk to the
Now, while this is _planned_, this feature is not very _high_ on the list of
any GNUnet hacker that I am aware of. Now, that doesn't mean it won't
happen, but it does mean that unlike you take it on to yourself to hack it
up, it'll likely not happen this year (and possibly not even next year)...