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Re: [GNUnet-developers] slocate

From: Kenneth Stailey
Subject: Re: [GNUnet-developers] slocate
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 13:28:57 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Jan,

The answer to your problems can be found in RFC 1855.

Here is a link for your convenience:


P.S. I never noticed how general the term "GNUnet-developers" sounds.  If you
look at it the wrong way you will see "GNU developers on a network" instead of
what it really is.

--- jan marco alkema <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hello all,
> A colleague of my used to work a lot with the "find" command. Nowadays he
> uses only the locate command. It works a lot faster --)
> Locate is a tool that put all files on a server in a database. It uses a
> daily cron job to update the database.
> See for the source code. It is also in de
> Redhat 9 distibution.
> In my point of view slocate should be ported to MySQL and linked with the
> gnunet concepts.
> If someone has better ideas, please let me know ---),
> Greetings Jan Marco
> Appendix Some readme info of slocate:
>      ---------------------
>         When creating the database, there are a few options that you may
>      use to customize which files get indexed and how.  The database will be
>      stored in /var/lib/slocate/. The two main options are:
>         -u       - Indexes every file on your system.
>         -U <dir> - Indexes every file in the directory <dir>.
>      Below are some examles of different types of indexing options:
>      Create an index of everyfile in every directory on your system.
>         slocate -u
>      Create an index of everyfile in the specified directory <dir>.
>         slocate -U <dir>
>      Create an index of everyfile excluding the specified files/directories,
>      /proc /dev and /tmp
>         slocate -e "/proc,/dev/,/tmp" -u
>      Create an index of everyfile excluding files on NFS and iso9660 type
>      file systems.
>         slocate -f "NFS,iso9660" -u
>      Create an index of everyfile but do not mark the database as secure.
>      This will cause slocate to NOT check file permissions before displaying
>      them to the user.  This will allow every user on the system to gain
>      knowledge of filenames that they would not normally have access to.
>      The advantage to this option is to make searching faster.
>         slocate -l0 -u
>         If you symlinked /usr/local/bin/slocate to /usr/local/bin/updatedb,
> then executing
>      the updatedb command will automatically index the root filesystem
> starting
>      at '/'.  This will also cause the file '/etc/updatedb.conf' to be
> parsed.
>      This file is in the same format as the original
> configuration
>      file.
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> GNUnet-developers mailing list
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