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[GNUnet-developers] Textui stuff

From: James Blackwell
Subject: [GNUnet-developers] Textui stuff
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 12:48:39 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

Sunday has rolled around, and I'm bored. 

I started thinking about the textui a little bit and about how there is a
special handler for inserting mp3 files. That got me thinking about
scalibility, so instead of working on a curses ui I decided to work on
automatic keywording instead.

Basically the idea that I'm working on is to keep a linked list along the
lines of:

struct hand_l {
        char *t_mime;                   //the "text" in "text/html"
                  char *b_mime;                 //the "html" in "text/html"
                  int *function;        //pointer to function that handles 
//for this mime type
                  struct hand_l* next;  //the next node

The idea is that a function can register itself for handling the finding
of keywords for a particular file type so that keywords can be figured out
for more than just mp3s. Eventually with this idea, one will be able to
call char * makekeywords(char *filename), which will return a space
seperated list of keywords for any given file.

I haven't figured out yet how to automatically determine the mime type of 
a file, though I assume that somewhere out there a library exists that
takes a filename in, and returns the mime type.

Why do I think doing this automatic keyword building is important? People
are lazy. Actually, people are *really* lazy. So lazy that I suspect a lot
of people would rarely bother to enter keywords. Having gnunet figure out
keywords automatically would mitigate this problem.

By the way, I use vi with tab spaces set to three (in vi :set ts=3)

GnuPG fingerprint AAE4 8C76 58DA 5902 761D  247A 8A55 DA73 0635 7400
James Blackwell  --  Director

Attachment: mimehandler.c
Description: Text Data

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