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[Gnumed-update] GNUmed 1.8.0 Release

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: [Gnumed-update] GNUmed 1.8.0 Release
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2020 20:45:51 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)

Hello all,

I am glad to be able to announce the immediate availability
of the GNUmed 1.8.0 Release. This is a cross-over between
maintenance and new development.

The main focus lies on the Python 3 port. This version runs
against the same database as does version 1.7. It can
therefore be run _concurrently_ with that version.

Version 1.8 requires Python 3 / wxPython 4.

It features the following bug fixes and improvements:



        NEW: port to wxPython 4 (wxPhoenix)
        NEW: port to Python 3
        NEW: port bootstrapper to Python 3
        NEW: EMR tree: toggle episode status from context menu
        NEW: EMR tree: show/edit clinical items from below encounters
        NEW: ReST formatting in $free_text::::$ placeholder
        NEW: hook "after_waiting_list_modified"
        NEW: test results tab showing most-recent in test panel
        NEW: local documents cache
        NEW: systemd-tmpfiles config file
        NEW: emailing of export area content as encrypted zip file
        NEW: local directory entries in export area
        NEW: $praxis_scan2pay$ support
        NEW: $bill_scan2pay$ support
        NEW: status bar history/visual bell
        NEW: dicomize images/PDF into DICOM study
        NEW: [Abort] client from exception dialog
        NEW: edit clinical item from EMR list journal
        NEW: dist: add PortableApp XML skeleton
        NEW: placeholder: $most_recent_test_results$
        NEW: tool: check_mimetypes_in_archive

        IMPROVED: symbolic link creation on Windows
        IMPROVED: Orthanc connection handling
        IMPROVED: DICOM plugin UI
        IMPROVED: EMR export as TimeLine
        IMPROVED: captions of all list and edit area dialogs
        IMPROVED: test type edit area workflow
        IMPROVED: CLI EMR export tool
        IMPROVED: form disposal dialog
        IMPROVED: date/timestamp picker functionality
        IMPROVED: better duplicate person detection
        IMPROVED: document tree details view usage
        IMPROVED: test results panels links w/ documents
        IMPROVED: console encoding errors behaviour [thanks INADA Naoki]
        IMPROVED: ADR URL handling
        IMPROVED: age sort mode in document tree
        IMPROVED: age/DOB tooltip
        IMPROVED: data revisions display
        IMPROVED: EMR list journal formatting
        IMPROVED: lab/plotting: support better gnuplot scripts

        FIX: [Save] functionality of Export Area
        FIX: document tree sorting / document insertion
        FIX: inability to delete inbox message w/o receiver
        FIX: "lastname, firstname" based patient search under Python 3
        FIX: billing: invoice ID generation [thanks Marc]
        FIX: export area: saving document part entries
        FIX: lab: grid display row tooltips
        FIX: lists: context menu CSV export
        FIX: EMR/tree: selection of pseudo issue node
        FIX: documents/new: error handling of unreadable parts
        FIX: PG access: rewrite connection pool
        FIX: y2038 exception in DST detection


        FIX: i18n.set_curr/force_curr_lang(), again [thanks lucian]


        IMPROVED: database fixup script


        FIX: clin.v_candidate_diagnoses: missing coalesce()

Downloads available from:

Client installation:

 Easily installable packages for your platform of choice
 will be available shortly.

 Meanwhile you can run the client from a downloaded tarball
 or use the net based client installer:

 which you need to download, make executable, and run.

Database installation / upgrade:

 Note that this release, as usual, does NOT require a
 database upgrade. However, fixes to the database may
 have been provided which you can (and should) install
 with either

        $> gm-fixup_server 22


        $> cd .../server/bootstrap/
        $> ./ 22

Please download, install, and report problems !

GPG  40BE 5B0E C98E 1713 AFA6  5BC0 3BEA AC80 7D4F C89B

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