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Re: [gnugo-devel] How to build debugboard? / view.pike

From: aquarius
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] How to build debugboard? / view.pike
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 03:17:06 +0100
User-agent: Opera7.22/Win32 M2 build 3221

Hi Arend, Hi Paul,

thank you for your responses!

some remarks:
Am Fri, 9 Jan 2004 20:19:33 +0000 schrieb Paul Pogonyshev <address@hidden>:

aquarius wrote:
The Makefile in $(top_builddir)/interface/debugboard
contains two references to the file libdfa.a for which there
seems to be no rule.
Simply delete the offending lines: `libdfa.a' no longer exists.  Though
you will not be able to compile `debugboard' anyway, due to a compilation
error.  Feel free to fix it if you want, but keep in mind that it has been
abandoned long ago and is probably of no real use.
Surprisingly it compiled well without the two lines; no compilation error
found so far. But I could not run it because my MinGW32/Msys environment
lacks curses support. I don't plan to install curses (in fact I don't even
know if it's aviable). Perhaps the comp. error only shows up when configure
finds curses support!? Anyway - this has to wait until I find the time to
get a linux box up and running.

If you have Pike ( scripting language installed
(or don't mind installing it), you cant try to use `view.pike' in
`regression/' directory instead.  Unlike `debugboard' it is up to date
and works.
view.pike is not included in the current 3.5.3 tarball - is that intentional?
I picked it out of CVS. Pike looks neat indeed - but I'm a bit afraid of
learning yet another prog. language like C#, Java or Python :-)
I'll give it a try though - aiming at learning more about GNU Go and
comparing view.pike to the potential of the analyze-commands of GoGUI.

Paul, please note that the following will not suffice as a patch
to eliminate libdfa.a from the Makefile. Needn't the setting of
debugboard_DEPENDENCIES be changed too?
---  2002-11-06 13:05:43.000000000 +0000
+++ 2004-01-09 20:13:24.000000000 +0000
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ INCLUDES = \
 LDADD = \
        $(top_builddir)/engine/libengine.a \
        $(top_builddir)/patterns/libpatterns.a \
-       $(top_builddir)/patterns/libdfa.a \
        $(top_builddir)/sgf/libsgf.a \
Happy Go - ing

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