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Re: [gnugo-devel] problems with the source code

From: Paul Pogonyshev
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] problems with the source code
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 19:36:35 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.5.93

You wrote:
> [gnugo-devel] problems with the source code

First of all, i can assure you it's not a problem with the source code.

> I downloaded the source code for gnugo some days ago, and today I tried to
> compile it without success. I am using VS .NET, so I have to convert the VS
> 6 projects to .NET projects, but that is done by .NET and not me.
> I get 6 errors when trying to build the project:
> sgf Command line error D2004 : '/D' requires an argument
> joseki fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'sgf.lib'
> patterns error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing
> Custom Build Step"
> gnugo Command line error D2004 : '/I' requires an argument
> are four of them. I don't know if you get anything from it.

This doesn't say much.  However, the problems are definitely with your
VS environment.  I can confirm that GNU Go does still compile on VS 6
(or 7 - don't remember ;) - i have seen it being succesfully compiled

We will appreciate if you can trace the problem down and provide a patch
that will allow clean compiling under VS .NET while keeping it compatible
with VS 6.  No one of current developers is working under Windows.

> After these errors I found an intresting site on how to use gnugo
> so I tried to follow it, and just included "gnugo.h", "liberty.h" and put
> all .c and .h from the "engine" directory into my project directory. Made
> my own main. cpp and put init_gnugo(value1, value2) and tried to compile
> it. But I get some errors about missing includes. So I try to put all the
> .c .h files it wants, but my question is, do I really need all of them?

You basically need all .c and .h files in directories `engine', `interface'
(except subdirectories), `patterns', `sgf' and `utils'.  In addition, .db
and .sgf files in `patterns' are needed.

> The thing I want to do with gnugo are following:
> I want to make a client for "human player" vs "human player" and use gnugo
> to estimate the points after a finished game, and things like, remove/mark
> dead stones so that I can or it can remove them from the board, when a
> player do a illegal move. With other word the game rule plus point estimate
> engine.

Are you aware of GNU Go license?  When a program is free it doesn't mean
you can do absolutely anything with it.  In particular, if your program
is not going to be under GPL (assuming you will distribute it in some way),
you *cannot* link your program with parts of/whole GNU Go.

However, you don't have to link both programs together.  GNU Go supports
GTP protocol (, which allows your
program communicate with GNU Go in a very productive way.  You can ask
GNU Go to perform a wide range of tasks and evaluations on the board and
use the results.  This has at least three advantages:

  1) you can reuse later versions of GNU Go without recompiling your
  2) you can (in theory) use other GTP-supporting engines in a same way
     (though they are not many at present);
  3) there are no license restrictions on your program.

If your program is free software, that will be the best choice.  But as
long as you don't link it together with parts of GNU Go, you can use any
license you like.

  Paul Pogonyshev

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