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[gnugo-devel] updated worm_data and dragon_data

From: Gunnar Farneback
Subject: [gnugo-devel] updated worm_data and dragon_data
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 23:12:51 +0100
User-agent: EMH/1.14.1 SEMI/1.14.3 (Ushinoya) FLIM/1.14.2 (Yagi-Nishiguchi) APEL/10.3 Emacs/20.7 (sparc-sun-solaris2.7) (with unibyte mode)

This patch makes the worm_data and dragon_data GTP commands more up to
date and somewhat more uniform.

- report_dragon() revised
- gtp_worm_data() revised


Index: engine/dragon.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnugo/gnugo/engine/dragon.c,v
retrieving revision 1.123
diff -u -r1.123 dragon.c
--- engine/dragon.c     12 Aug 2003 03:05:33 -0000      1.123
+++ engine/dragon.c     4 Nov 2003 22:04:02 -0000
@@ -2296,37 +2296,50 @@
   gfprintf(outfile, "heye                    %1m\n", d2->heye);
   gfprintf(outfile, "escape_route            %d\n", d2->escape_route);
   gfprintf(outfile, "lunch                   %1m\n", d2->lunch);
-  gfprintf(outfile, "crude status            %s\n",
+  gfprintf(outfile, "crude_status            %s\n",
   gfprintf(outfile, "owl_status              %s\n",
   gfprintf(outfile, "status                  %s\n",
-  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_threat_status       %s\n",
-          status_to_string(d2->owl_threat_status));
-  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_attack              %1m\n", d2->owl_attack_point);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "safety                  %s\n",
+          status_to_string(d2->safety));
+  gfprintf(outfile, "weakness                %f\n", d2->weakness);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "weakness_pre_owl        %f\n", d2->weakness_pre_owl);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "surround_status         %d\n", d2->surround_status);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "surround_size           %d\n", d2->surround_size);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "moyo_size               %d\n", d2->moyo_size);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "moyo_territorial_value  %f\n",
+          d2->moyo_territorial_value);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "neighbors               ");
+  for (k = 0; k < d2->neighbors; k++)
+    gfprintf(outfile, "%1m ", DRAGON(d2->adjacent[k]).origin);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "\nhostile_neighbors       %d\n", d2->hostile_neighbors);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_attack_code         %d\n", d2->owl_attack_code);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_attack_point        %1m\n", d2->owl_attack_point);
   gfprintf(outfile, "owl_attack_certain      %s\n",
           (d2->owl_attack_certain) ? "YES" : "NO");
-  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_2nd_attack          %1m\n",
+  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_2nd_attack_point    %1m\n",
-  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_defend              %1m\n", d2->owl_defense_point);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_threat_status       %s\n",
+          status_to_string(d2->owl_threat_status));
+  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_defense_code        %d\n", d2->owl_defense_code);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_defense_point       %1m\n", d2->owl_defense_point);
   gfprintf(outfile, "owl_defense_certain     %s\n",
           (d2->owl_defense_certain) ? "YES" : "NO");
-  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_2nd_defend          %1m\n",
+  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_2nd_defense_point   %1m\n",
+  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_attack_kworm        %1m\n", d2->owl_attack_kworm);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "owl_defense_kworm       %1m\n", d2->owl_defense_kworm);
   gfprintf(outfile, "semeai                  %d\n", d2->semeai);
   gfprintf(outfile, "semeai_margin_of_safety %d\n",
-  gfprintf(outfile, "neighbors               ");
-  for (k = 0; k < d2->neighbors; k++)
-    gfprintf(outfile, "%1m ", DRAGON(d2->adjacent[k]).origin);
-  gfprintf(outfile, "\nhostile neighbors       %d\n", d2->hostile_neighbors);
-  gfprintf(outfile, "moyo size               %d\n", d2->moyo_size);
-  gfprintf(outfile, "moyo territorial value  %f\n",
-          d2->moyo_territorial_value);
-  gfprintf(outfile, "safety                  %s\n",
-          status_to_string(d2->safety));
-  gfprintf(outfile, "weakness estimate       %f\n", d2->weakness);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "semeai_defense_point    %1m\n", d2->semeai_defense_point);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "semeai_defense_certain  %d\n",
+          d2->semeai_defense_certain);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "semeai_attack_point     %1m\n", d2->semeai_attack_point);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "semeai_attack_certain   %d\n", d2->semeai_attack_certain);
+  gfprintf(outfile, "semeai_target           %1m\n", d2->semeai_target);
   gfprintf(outfile, "strings                 ");
   for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++)
     if (ON_BOARD(ii)
Index: interface/play_gtp.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnugo/gnugo/interface/play_gtp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.133
diff -u -r1.133 play_gtp.c
--- interface/play_gtp.c        9 Sep 2003 20:59:15 -0000       1.133
+++ interface/play_gtp.c        4 Nov 2003 22:04:04 -0000
@@ -3607,27 +3607,30 @@
        struct worm_data *w = &worm[POS(m, n)];
        gtp_print_vertex(m, n);
-       gtp_mprintf("color           %C\n",  w->color);
-       gtp_printf("size            %d\n",   w->size);
-       gtp_printf("effective_size  %.2f\n", w->effective_size);
-       gtp_mprintf("origin          %m\n", 
+       gtp_mprintf("origin               %m\n", 
                    I(w->origin), J(w->origin));
-       gtp_printf("liberties       %d\n",   w->liberties);
-       gtp_printf("liberties2      %d\n",   w->liberties2);
-       gtp_printf("liberties3      %d\n",   w->liberties3);
-       gtp_printf("liberties4      %d\n",   w->liberties4);
-       gtp_mprintf("attack_point    %m\n",  
+       gtp_mprintf("color                %C\n",  w->color);
+       gtp_printf("size                 %d\n",   w->size);
+       gtp_printf("effective_size       %.2f\n", w->effective_size);
+       gtp_printf("liberties            %d\n",   w->liberties);
+       gtp_printf("liberties2           %d\n",   w->liberties2);
+       gtp_printf("liberties3           %d\n",   w->liberties3);
+       gtp_printf("liberties4           %d\n",   w->liberties4);
+       gtp_printf("attack_code          %d\n",   w->attack_codes[0]);
+       gtp_mprintf("attack_point         %m\n",  
                    I(w->attack_points[0]), J(w->attack_points[0]));
-       gtp_printf("attack_code     %d\n",   w->attack_codes[0]);
-       gtp_mprintf("lunch           %m\n",  
-                   I(w->lunch), J(w->lunch));
-       gtp_mprintf("defense_point   %m\n",  
+       gtp_printf("defense_code         %d\n",   w->defense_codes[0]);
+       gtp_mprintf("defense_point        %m\n",  
                    I(w->defense_points[0]), J(w->defense_points[0]));
-       gtp_printf("defense_code    %d\n",   w->defense_codes[0]);
-       gtp_printf("cutstone        %d\n",   w->cutstone);
-       gtp_printf("cutstone2       %d\n",   w->cutstone2);
-       gtp_printf("genus           %d\n",   w->genus);
-       gtp_printf("inessential     %d\n",   w->inessential);
+       gtp_mprintf("lunch                %m\n",  
+                   I(w->lunch), J(w->lunch));
+       gtp_printf("cutstone             %d\n",   w->cutstone);
+       gtp_printf("cutstone2            %d\n",   w->cutstone2);
+       gtp_printf("genus                %d\n",   w->genus);
+       gtp_printf("inessential          %d\n",   w->inessential);
+       gtp_printf("invincible           %d\n",   w->invincible);
+       gtp_printf("unconditional_status %s\n",
+                  status_to_string(w->unconditional_status));

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