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[gnugo-devel] evan_5_1.2

From: Arend Bayer
Subject: [gnugo-devel] evan_5_1.2
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 01:37:01 +0200 (CEST)

This patch adds, starting with,


the following variation (plus some followups):

O to move first:

(X 10 on a).

I have two remarks about this:

1.) The move at * wouldn't have occurred to me. Then I checked with
kombilo (I really recommend installing kombilo to everyone interested
in joseki study -- whether for gnugo or for your own games), and I indeed
did find it in a lot of pro games. But they were all in the following
situation (or similar):


In all the games, X had a stone at the hoshi on the left side, or as
in  the diagram, or at "a". What is the reason behind this?
Usually, the variation in the diagram above (without a pincer) is bad for
white. But when it's played in the situation as in the last diagram,
the black stone on the top ends up badly placed, thus leading to
a fair result overall.

2. Now if black does have a stone at the top, than its usually better
(and probably even more so for gnugo) to block on the other side
(i.e. B2 at 3 in the variation above.)

So I think the joseki needs a little more context. Maybe we should merge
the patch as it is, however, without marking W1 above as joseki.


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