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[gnugo-devel] Patch: new cache

From: Inge Wallin
Subject: [gnugo-devel] Patch: new cache
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 14:29:26 +0200

Here is the next version of the new cache, a traditional transposition table.
I have written so much about the implementation before that I won't go into
that very much here.

The only thing to mention is that I now use a traditional Hash_data as the 
hash value.  There is still some code that can be removed, but overall it is 
pretty clean.

During this change, I also enhanced the usage a bit.  During this work I have 
run the complete regressions so much that I am simply tired of it.  So to 
test the latest version, I only ran the first batch.

The results can only be said to be spectacular:  a speedup of 36%!
The timing of the first batch was 19:50 minutes against 31:37 for the old 
cache.  Tonight I will run the whole regressions so that we can see the 
speedup of the whole  tests and also if there is any regression delta.

Left to do is:
  - Call the transposition table from all tactical reading functions.
  - Call the transposition table from pattern based reading functions (owl, 
semeai, connection).
  - After ok from the maintainers, retire the old cache.


Attachment: ttable2.diff
Description: Text Data

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