Back in the early 2000's, of course, there were several different clients for GNUe Forms being discussed. The theory was that the "official" GNUe Forms was just "an" implementation of a GNUE Forms client - the reference implementation, if you like. But other clients could be written as well. It seemed a fairly regular event for people to suggest on the mailing list or in IRC a new GUI client for whatever the latest "flavour of the month" was. No doubt if the same were true today, people would be suggesting iPhone or XBox 360 clients...
Of the ones that actually saw some development, I remember Win32, PHP, HTML, QT and KDE. But, back in 2006, the decision was taken to concentrate on just two clients going forwards, the main wx-python GUI version, and the non-GUI Curses version for people still using text-only terminals. (
Of course, this being a free software project, there's nothing to stop people going off and developing their own clients. And, if the results are interesting enough, I'm sure we'd all like to see them. But people just need to be aware that there's a certain amount of history behind the decision to focus mainly on wx-python.
Peter Sullivan <