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[GNUe-dev] GNUE HTML Forms UI driver

From: Jan Ischebeck
Subject: [GNUe-dev] GNUE HTML Forms UI driver
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 13:40:31 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Hi Bajusz,

I just checked the current implementation of the HTML UI driver.
The code in place is good, but IMHO we need some program architecture changes.

Current status:
- HTML code is generated for each widget and stored in the global dhtml table.
-  Browser/Server communication by page reload and HTML Form POST method.
- Just one form for one user can be displayed at the same time, because of server loop position in application flow.

Change to:
- HTML code is stored in a per page cache. Layout generation is done on page level. - Browser/Server communication through asynchronous HTML request by client side java script. - Start server loop before GFInstance creation to allow multiple user / multiple form operation.

What are you ideas? Please also check the draft spec I wrote.
I hope we can discuss further details on IRC.


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