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[GNUe-dev] GNUe Designer 0.5.7 released

From: reinhard
Subject: [GNUe-dev] GNUe Designer 0.5.7 released
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2005 17:45:02 +0200

The GNU Enterprise team proudly announces

   GNUe Designer 0.5.7.

GNUe Designer is the IDE for the GNUe tools. It allows you to
visually layout your forms in a RAD-style environment. Designer has
a builtin forms client, so you can quickly test your forms while
still in Designer.  Designer also has support for form creation
wizards... answer a few questions, attach your form to one or more
database tables, select the fields to include, and, voila, a basic
form is created. Basic support for schema creation is also included.

Changes and new features in this release:

* Adapted to gnue-common 0.6
* Require Python 2.3
* Fixes for wxWidgets 2.6
* Several other fixes

You can download this release of GNUe Designer from

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