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[Gnue-dev] GEASv2 Definitions

From: Neil Tiffin
Subject: [Gnue-dev] GEASv2 Definitions
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 14:11:07 -0500

Reinhard ask for definitions to support the drawing at:

So here goes.

Database Adapter - Adapter for each type of database that works with GNUe. Handles unique or special requirements of a particular database. This should be very similar to if not use the database programs in "common".

SQL Schema Generator - Generate SQL for interfacing with SQL database. This may be unique for each database (I am not sure at this point) or groups of databases.

Object Repository - A way to store object definitions (currently .gcd files). But could also be XML.

Object Server - Implements business object abstraction (the model) in a model view controller architecture. Hides all SQL relationships, joins, and tables from the UI. Allows multiple table definitions for a single business object (new from GEASv1). Security is enforced at the Object Server.

Remote Protocol Adapter - Implements CORBA or other RPC type protocol over the network.

Method Language Adapter - An adapter to allow methods written in various languages (C, C++, Python, Objective-C etc.) (I have to add this to the Drawing.)

Future Items
Batch Schema Compilers - A one-time program that converts items in the object repository to SQL tables, columns, triggers, store procedures etc. It also compiles methods if necessary and registers them with the Object Server. The primary purpose of this component is to not burden the Object Server startup with having to sort through possible changes to the Object Repository.

Transaction Processor - Accepts database transactions from SQL Schema Generator for formatting and storage. In early versions this may be a simple logging server. This is simple to implement and will off-load the file access work from the main server. When the Synchronization Engine is working this process will also determine the need to keep certain transactions. If they are not need for Synchronization then the transaction may not be kept (depending on the configuration).

Synchronization Engine - Applies transactions from the Transaction Processor to backup databases or remote database based on the configuration of the Synchronization Engine. Required for CRM applications. This is the process or server that a remote user or remote database will connect to get updates.

Workflow Server - A Server that defines workflow rules including triggers in the SQL database (if the capability exists) and or monitors objects to determine when to invoke methods or other data transformations without user interaction.

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