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From: Simon Sobisch
Subject: Re: Display "Umlaute" in ACCEPT/DISPLAY/SCREEN SECTION
Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 21:45:03 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.8.0

The bug-gnucobol mailing list is likely not the right place for it, its
description says:

> This list distributes bug reports and fixes to GnuCOBOL maintainers.

I've forwarded this to the users' list as its description says:

> List for general questions, user-oriented topics and announcements.

Concerning your question: why guess? What happens if you have UTF-8 in
your source code?

Note: You'll then likely using -free, or otherwise ensure that the
number of *bytes* does not exceed the right margin, like moving it to
the right with something like -ftext-column=255.

A simple
   DISPLAY `Why not? äüöß"  *> I suggest to also try the uppercase ß
should work if the source encording matches your terminal - extended
screenio may need something "more".

What does cobcrun --info says about the screen library used? I *guess*

Please report back to the users' list about your test results.

Thank you,

Am 11.05.2020 um 20:40 schrieb Administrator:
> Hello,
> just I am guessing how to display "Umlaute" in GNUCOBOL 3.x when using
> UTF-8 stanadrd fonts in GNOME-terminal (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)?
> Any suggestions?
> Greetings from Germany.

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