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[Gnucap-devel] Convergence in op-amp circuit

From: Telford Tendys
Subject: [Gnucap-devel] Convergence in op-amp circuit
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 17:47:06 +1100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

I have been playing with an op-amp circuit
(I pasted it at the end of this message, hope it isn't too long).

The LM358 model is cut-and-pasted from National Semicunductor's
(actually I loaded it into gnucap and saved again...) I feel it
is a typical industrial grade model that I would expect gnucap
to try and deal with. The circuit as a whole is a pretty simple
bridge circuit and everything is linear so there should be no
nasty surprises there.

My results are:

very backward time step
convergence failure (itl4)
newtime=5.000061e-08  rejectedtime=5.000122e-08  oldtime=5.000000e-08  
zero time step
newtime=5.000100e-08  rejectedtime=5.000122e-08  oldtime=5.000000e-08
internal error: step control (adt=1e-12,rdt=-6.10352e-13)
time0=5.00022e-08  time1=5.00012e-08  rtime=5.00006e-08

I'll admit that I haven't dug into this too deeply but the LM358
model looks honest enough, there isn't much in it... I have played
around a bit with mindamp and maxdamp and they do have an effect
but not enough to get more than one output step.

My specific questions are: [A] can someone explain the theory behind
those error messages? I don't understand how the timestep could be
"very backward" judging from the numbers given. [B] is there a switch
that explains which components are involved in the non-convergence
and maybe outputs the last few iterations of those components?

----------------------------- example.ckt --------------------------------

* (C) National Semiconductor, Inc. 
* Models developed and under copyright by: 
* National Semiconductor, Inc. 
* Legal Notice: This material is intended for free software support. 
* The file may be copied, and distributed; however, reselling the 
*  material is illegal 
* For ordering or technical information on these models, contact: 
* National Semiconductor's Customer Response Center 
*                 7:00 A.M.--7:00 P.M.  U.S. Central Time 
*                                (800) 272-9959 
* For Applications support, contact the Internet address: 
*  address@hidden 
* connections:      non-inverting input 
*                   |   inverting input 
*                   |   |   positive power supply 
*                   |   |   |   negative power supply 
*                   |   |   |   |   output 
*                   |   |   |   |   | 
*                   |   |   |   |   | 
.subckt LM358/NS    1   2  99  50  28
*Eliminates need for dual supplies 
*Large DC voltage gain =             100dB 
*High bandwidth =                     1MHz 
*Low input offset voltage =            2mV 
*Wide supply range =       +-1.5V to +-16V 
*NOTE: Model is for single device only and simulated 
*      supply current is 1/2 of total device current. 
*      Output crossover distortion with dual supplies 
*      is not modeled. 
****************INPUT STAGE************** 
IOS  2  1  DC   5.n
*^Input offset current 
R1  1  3  500.K
R2  3  2  500.K
I1  99  4  DC   100.u
R3  5  50  517.
R4  6  50  517.
Q1  5  2  4  QX  area= 1.
Q2  6  7  4  QX  area= 1.
*Fp2=1.2 MHz 
C4  5  6  128.27p
***********COMMON MODE EFFECT*********** 
I2  99  50  DC   75.u
*^Quiescent supply current 
EOS  7  1  16  49  POLY(   0.002   1.)
*Input offset voltage.^ 
R8  99  49  60.K
R9  49  50  60.K
V2  99  8  DC   1.63
D1  9  8  DX  area= 1.
D2  10  9  DX  area= 1.
V3  10  50  DC   0.635
**************SECOND STAGE************** 
EH  99  98  99  49  1.
G1  98  9  5  6  POLY(   0.   987.72u   0.   0.3459)
*Fp1=7.86 Hz 
R5  98  9  101.2433Meg
C3  98  9  200.p
***************POLE STAGE*************** 
*Fp=2 MHz 
G3  98  15  9  49  1.u
R12  98  15  1.Meg
C5  98  15  79.577f
*********COMMON-MODE ZERO STAGE********* 
*Fpcm=10 KHz 
G4  98  16  3  49  56.234n
L2  98  17  0.0159
R13  17  16  1.K
**************OUTPUT STAGE************** 
F6  50  99  V6  POLY(   300.u   1.)
E1  99  23  99  15  1.
R16  24  23  17.5
D5  26  24  DX  area= 1.
V6  26  22  DC   0.63
R17  23  25  17.5
D6  25  27  DX  area= 1.
V7  22  27  DC   0.63
V5  22  21  DC   0.27
D4  21  15  DX  area= 1.
V4  20  22  DC   0.27
D3  15  20  DX  area= 1.
L3  22  28  500.p
RL3  22  28  100.K
***************MODELS USED************** 
.model  DX  d  (  tnom= 27.  is= 1.f  rs= 0.  n= 1.  tt= 0.  cjo= 0.  pb= 1.  
mj= 0.5  egap= 1.11  xti= 3.  fc= 0.5)
.model  QX  pnp  (  kf= 0.  af= 1.  bf= 1.111K  br= 1.  is= 100.E-18  nf= 1.  
nr= 1.  isc= 0.  c4= 0.  nc= 2.  ise= 0.  c2= 0.  ne= 1.5  rb= 0.  rbm= 0.  re= 
0.  rc= 0.  cjc= 0.  cje= 0.  cjs= 0.  fc= 0.5  mjc= 0.33  mje= 0.33  mjs= 0.  
vjc= 0.75  vje= 0.75  vjs= 0.75  xcjc= 1.  itf= 0.  ptf= 0.  tf= 0.  tr= 0.  
xtf= 0.  xtb= 0.  xti= 3.  eg= 1.11)
*+ends LM358/NS

.subckt LM358   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
XgateA  3  2  8  4  1  LM358/NS
XgateB  5  6  8  4  7  LM358/NS
*+ends LM358
C1  2  0  100.n
C2  1  0  100.n
R1  3  8  220.K
R2  0  3  180.K
R3  8  2  220.K
R4  2  0  150.K
R5  5  6  2.K
R6  6  7  180.K
R7  2  7  180.K
R8  1  2  47.K
R9  4  1  47.K
VCC  8  0  DC   5.
VIN  4  0  DC   GENERATOR(1).
XU1  5  5  2  0  3  7  6  8  LM358

.option dampmax=0.95 dampmin=0.8 itl4=50
.print tran V(4) V(2) V(5) V(6) V(7)
.generator amplitude=1 offset=2 frequency=50
.tran 0 0.04 1u > output.dat


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