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[task #16545] Add region support in script-fits-view

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [task #16545] Add region support in script-fits-view
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 14:26:54 -0400 (EDT)

Update of task #16545 (group gnuastro):

                  Status:                    None => Done                   
        Percent Complete:                      0% => 90%                    
             Open/Closed:                    Open => Closed                 


Follow-up Comment #2:

Thanks Giacomo, the commit has been merged as the modified
[ Commit

Here are the modifications:
* There are two ds9 commands generated in this script ('execom'), but you had
only added the new '$ds9region' string to the first one, not the second. It is
always good to check the larger context of the operation and make sure we
don't add future bugs (region files only loaded in the first scenario, not the
* There was no updates to the documentation for the newly added option! Any
change in the behavior of a program should be documented in
'doc/gnuastro.texi' (as you see in the modified commit that was merged).
* Don't forget to set the "Percent complete" option in Savannah when making a
post that involves an improvement compared to the previous comment on the


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