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[gnuastro-commits] master f0fcad5 7/7: astscript-radial-profile: Removed
From: |
Mohammad Akhlaghi |
Subject: |
[gnuastro-commits] master f0fcad5 7/7: astscript-radial-profile: Removed special sn option |
Date: |
Sun, 16 May 2021 15:39:29 -0400 (EDT) |
branch: master
commit f0fcad54e30101267c1172f3b9d65e4d203fadf0
Author: Mohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <mohammad@akhlaghi.org>
astscript-radial-profile: Removed special sn option
Until now the radial profile script had a special option for the
signal-to-noise ratio (S/N)! However the S/N is already a "--measure" that
is provided by MakeCatalog. Having a separate option only for this column
made the script hard for the users to use (an extra option), and for the
maintainers to maintain (complexities in variable checking).
With this commit, this option has been removed, and within the manual the
user is instructed to use '--measure=sn' if they want the S/N. During the
process and while inspecting the code, I also made these corrections:
- A new '--zeropoint' option has been added to the radial profile script
so users can ask for things like the magnitude or surface brightness.
- In the part where we converted WCS coordinates into pixel coordinates,
the "sed 's/,/ /'" was extra (because Gnuastro programs, including
'asttable' in this case, automatically separate columns by a comma).
- With this commit, the '--stdhdu' option is optional (it is no longer
used to distinguish a file from a number). To see if the value of
'--stdhdu' is a file, we simply use 'if [ -f $stdhdu ]' (since it should
exist anyway).
- The 'tests/during-dev.sh' script (that is used for testing Gnuastro's
programs and scripts) has been modified by including all the programs'
configuration files during the build, and also including the place of
all the built programs into the PATH. In this way, when testing an
'astscript' with 'tests/during-dev.sh', we can be sure that the
currently under-development programs will be used by the 'astscript-*'.
bin/script/radial-profile.in | 113 +++++++++++++++++--------------------------
doc/gnuastro.texi | 59 +++++++++++-----------
tests/during-dev.sh | 15 ++++++
3 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bin/script/radial-profile.in b/bin/script/radial-profile.in
index 2eaad77..38f9814 100755
--- a/bin/script/radial-profile.in
+++ b/bin/script/radial-profile.in
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ set -e
# Default option values (can be changed with options on the command-line).
@@ -46,6 +45,7 @@ keeptmp=0
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ $scriptname options:
-Q, --axisratio=FLT Axis ratio for ellipse profiles (A/B).
-p, --positionangle=FLT Position angle for ellipse profiles.
-s, --sigmaclip=FLT,FLT Sigma-clip multiple and tolerance.
+ --zeropoint=FLT Zeropoint magnitude of input dataset.
-t, --tmpdir Directory to keep temporary files.
@@ -112,8 +113,6 @@ $scriptname options:
--cite BibTeX citation for this program.
-q, --quiet Don't print the list.
-V, --version Print program version.
- -n, --sn The signal to noise ratio of the profile is
- according to instd and stdhdu.
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.
@@ -216,6 +215,7 @@ do
-s|--sigmaclip) sigmaclip="$2"; check_v
"$1" "$sigmaclip"; shift;shift;;
-s=*|--sigmaclip=*) sigmaclip="${1#*=}"; check_v
"$1" "$sigmaclip"; shift;;
-s*) sigmaclip=$(echo "$1" | sed -e's/-s//'); check_v
"$1" "$sigmaclip"; shift;;
+ --zeropoint=*) zeropoint="${1#*=}"; check_v
"$1" "$zeropoint"; shift;;
# Output parameters
-k|--keeptmp) keeptmp=1; shift;;
@@ -244,7 +244,6 @@ do
-V*|--version=*) on_off_option_error --version -V;;
--cite) astfits --cite; exit 0;;
--cite=*) on_off_option_error --cite;;
- --sn) sn=1; shift;;
# Unrecognized option:
-*) echo "$scriptname: unknown option '$1'"; exit 1;;
@@ -302,39 +301,6 @@ if [ x"$measure" = x ]; then measure=mean; fi
-# Check and set SNR parameters and variables
-# ------------------------------------------
-# --sn --instd --stdhdu instdtype
-# yes no yes file (same as input image)
-# yes yes yes file (independent file)
-# yes no no error
-# yes yes no number (std value)
-if [ x"$sn" != x ]; then
- finalsn="--sn "
- if [ x"$stdhdu" != x ]; then
- instdtype="file"
- if [ x"$instd" = x ]; then instd=$inputs; fi
- else
- if [ x"$instd" != x ]; then
- instdtype="number"
- else
- echo "No stdhdu has been entered \
- neither a numerical value for instd."
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- finalinstd="--instd=$instd "
- finalsn=""
- finalinstd=""
# Finalize the center value
# -------------------------
@@ -351,26 +317,24 @@ if [ x"$center" = x ]; then
xcenter=$(astfits $inputs --hdu=$hdu | awk '/^NAXIS1/{print $3/2+0.5}')
ycenter=$(astfits $inputs --hdu=$hdu | awk '/^NAXIS2/{print $3/2+0.5}')
+# A center is given.
+ # The central position is in image mode; we should just separate each
+ # coordinate.
if [ $mode = img ]; then
- # A center has been given, we should just separate them.
xcenter=$(echo "$center" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","} {print $1}')
ycenter=$(echo "$center" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","} {print $2}')
+ # The center is in WCS coordinates. We should thus convert them to
+ # image coordinates at this point. To do that, WCS information from the
+ # input header image is used.
- # WCS coordinates have been given. We should thus convert them to
- # image coordinates at this point. To do that, WCS information from
- # the input header image is used.
xy=$(echo "$center" \
- | sed 's/,/ /' \
| asttable -c'arith $1 $2 wcstoimg' \
--wcsfile=$inputs --wcshdu=$hdu)
xcenter=$(echo $xy | awk '{print $1}');
ycenter=$(echo $xy | awk '{print $2}');
@@ -448,21 +412,29 @@ if [ -d $tmpdir ]; then junk=1; else mkdir $tmpdir; fi
# and third value of that string, and convert to the cropped coordinate
# system. Note that because FITS pixel couting starts from 1, we need to
# subtract `1'.
+# For the standard deviation, besides being empty or not, we first need to
+# make sure it is actually a file (note that it can also be a number). If
+# its a file, we'll crop it and set 'instd' to be the new cropped file.
cropwidth=$(echo $rmax | awk '{print $1*2+1}')
astcrop $inputs --hdu=$hdu --center=$xcenter,$ycenter --mode=img \
--width=$cropwidth --output=$crop $quiet
-if [ x"$sn" != x ]; then
- if [ "$instdtype" = "file" ]; then
- cropstd=$tmpdir/cropstd.fits
- astcrop $instd -h$stdhdu --center=$xcenter,$ycenter \
- --mode=img --width=$cropwidth --output=$cropstd $quiet
- finalinstd="--instd=$cropstd "
+if [ x"$instd" != x ] && [ -f "$instd" ]; then
+ if [ x"$stdhdu" = x ]; then instdhduopt="";
+ else instdhduopt="--hdu=$stdhdu";
+ astcrop "$instd" "$instdhduopt" --center=$xcenter,$ycenter \
+ --mode=img --width=$cropwidth --output=$cropstd $quiet
+# Correct the central position (to cropped image)
+# -----------------------------------------------
dxy=$(astfits $crop -h1 \
| grep ICF1PIX \
| sed -e"s/'/ /g" -e's/\:/ /g' -e's/,/ /' \
@@ -485,16 +457,19 @@ ycenter=$(echo "$ycenter $cropwidth $dxy" \
# is over-sampled. This is only done if the user request this with the
# option --oversample.
if [ x$oversample = x ]; then
ln -fs $crop $values
+ if [ x"$instd" != x ] && [ -f "$instd" ]; then
+ ln -fs $cropstd $valuesstd
+ fi
- astwarp $crop --scale=$oversample,$oversample -o$values
xcenter=$(echo $xcenter | awk '{print '$oversample'*$1}')
ycenter=$(echo $ycenter | awk '{print '$oversample'*$1}')
rmax=$(echo $rmax | awk '{print '$oversample'*$1}')
- if [ x"$sn" != x ] && [ $instdtype = "file" ]; then
- astwarp $cropstd --scale=$oversample,$oversample -o$stdvalues
- finalinstd="--instd="$stdvalues" "
+ astwarp $crop --scale=$oversample,$oversample -o$values
+ if [ x"$instd" != x ] && [ -f "$instd" ]; then
+ astwarp $cropstd --scale=$oversample,$oversample -o$valuesstd
@@ -557,15 +532,16 @@ finalmeasure=$(echo "$measure" \
-# Set the used sigma-clipping parameters
-# --------------------------------------
+# MakeCatalog configuration options
+# ---------------------------------
-# If not given, don't use anything and just use MakeCatalog's default
+# If not given, don't use anything and just let MakeCatalog use its default
# values.
-if [ x"$sigmaclip" = x ]; then
- finalsigmaclip=""
- finalsigmaclip="--sigmaclip=$sigmaclip";
+if [ x"$sigmaclip" = x ]; then finalsigmaclip=""
+else finalsigmaclip="--sigmaclip=$sigmaclip";
+if [ x"$zeropoint" = x ]; then finalzp=""
+else finalzp="--zeropoint=$zeropoint";
@@ -581,9 +557,8 @@ fi
# values.
astmkcatalog $apertures -h1 --valuesfile=$values --valueshdu=1 --ids \
- $finalsn $finalinstd $finalmeasure $finalsigmaclip \
- --stdhdu=1 --output=$cat \
- $quiet
+ $finalinstd $finalmeasure $finalsigmaclip $finalzp \
+ --stdhdu=1 --output=$cat $quiet
@@ -612,11 +587,11 @@ fi
-# Remove temporal files
-# ---------------------
+# Remove temporary files
+# ----------------------
# If the user does not specify to keep the temporal files with the option
# `--keeptmp', then remove the whole directory.
if [ $keeptmp = 0 ]; then
- rm -rf $tmpdir
+ rm -r $tmpdir
diff --git a/doc/gnuastro.texi b/doc/gnuastro.texi
index a8fb258..ab03808 100644
--- a/doc/gnuastro.texi
+++ b/doc/gnuastro.texi
@@ -21176,17 +21176,13 @@ $ astscript-radial-profile image.fits
## Generate the radial profile centered at x=44 and y=37 (in pixels),
## up to a radial distance of 19 pixels, use the mean value.
-$ astscript-radial-profile image.fits \
- --center=44,37 \
- --rmax=19
+$ astscript-radial-profile image.fits --center=44,37 --rmax=19
## Generate the radial profile centered at x=44 and y=37 (in pixels),
## up to a radial distance of 100 pixels, compute sigma clipped
## mean and standard deviation (sigclip-mean and sigclip-std) using
## 3 sigma and 10 iterations.
-$ astscript-radial-profile image.fits \
- --center=44,37 \
- --rmax=100 \
+$ astscript-radial-profile image.fits --center=44,37 --rmax=100 \
--sigmaclip=3,10 \
@@ -21194,41 +21190,34 @@ $ astscript-radial-profile image.fits \
## DEC=0.9454292263, up to a radial distance of 88 pixels,
## axis ratio equal to 0.32, and position angle of 148 deg.
## Name the output table as `radial-profile.fits'
-$ astscript-radial-profile image.fits --mode=wcs \
+$ astscript-radial-profile image.fits --mode=wcs \
--center=20.53751695,0.9454292263 \
- --rmax=88 \
- --axisratio=0.32 \
+ --rmax=88 --axisratio=0.32 \
--positionangle=148 -oradial-profile.fits
## Generate the radial profile centered at RA=40.062675270971,
## DEC=-8.1511992735126, up to a radial distance of 20 pixels,
## and calculate the SNR using the INPUT-NO-SKY and SKY-STD
## extensions of the NoiseChisel output file.
-$ astscript-radial-profile image_detected.fits -hINPUT-NO-SKY \
- --mode=wcs \
- --center=40.062675270971,-8.1511992735126 \
- --rmax=20 \
- --sn --stdhdu=SKY_STD
+$ astscript-radial-profile image_detected.fits -hINPUT-NO-SKY \
+ --mode=wcs --measure=sn \
+ --center=40.062675270971,-8.1511992735126 \
+ --rmax=20 --stdhdu=SKY_STD
## Generate the radial profile centered at RA=40.062675270971,
## DEC=-8.1511992735126, up to a radial distance of 20 pixels,
## and compute the SNR with a fixed value for std, std=10.
-$ astscript-radial-profile image.fits -h1 \
- --mode=wcs \
- --rmax=20 \
- --center=40.062675270971,-8.1511992735126 \
- --sn --instd=10
+$ astscript-radial-profile image.fits -h1 --mode=wcs --rmax=20 \
+ --center=40.062675270971,-8.1511992735126 \
+ --measure=sn --instd=10
## Generate the radial profile centered at X=1201, Y=1201 pixels, up
## to a radial distance of 20 pixels and compute the median and the
## SNR using the first extension of sky-std.fits as the dataset for std
## values.
-$ astscript-radial-profile image.fits -h1 \
- --mode=img \
- --rmax=20 \
- --center=1201,1201 \
- --measure=median \
- --sn --instd=sky-std.fits --stdhdu=1
+$ astscript-radial-profile image.fits -h1 --mode=img --rmax=20 \
+ --center=1201,1201 --measure=median,sn \
+ --instd=sky-std.fits
@end example
This installed script will read a FITS image and will use it as the basis for
constructing the radial profile.
@@ -21310,11 +21299,15 @@ By default, it is @option{--pangle=0}, which means
that the semi-major axis of t
@itemx --measure=STR
The operator for measuring the values over each radial distance.
The values given to this option will be directly passed to @ref{MakeCatalog}.
-As a consequence, all MakeCatalog measurements like the median, mean, std,
sigclip-mean, sigclip-number, etc. can be used here.
+As a consequence, all MakeCatalog measurements like the magnitude, magnitude
error, median, mean, signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), std, surface brightness,
sigclip-mean, sigclip-number, etc. can be used here.
For a full list of MakeCatalog's measurements, please run
@command{astmkcatalog --help}.
Multiple values can be given to this option, each separated by a comma.
This option can also be called multiple times.
+Some measurements by MakeCatalog require a per-pixel sky standard deviation
(for example magnitude error or S/N).
+Therefore when asking for such measurements, use the @option{--instd} option
(described below) to specify the per-pixel sky standard deviation over each
+For other measurements like the magnitude or surface brightness, MakeCatalog
will need a Zeropoint, which you can set with the @option{--zeropoint} option.
For example, by setting @option{--measure=mean,sigclip-mean --measure=median},
the mean, sigma-clipped mean and median values will be computed.
The output radial profile will have 4 columns in this order: radial distance,
mean, sigma-clipped and median.
By default (when this option isn't given), the mean of all pixels at each
radial position will be computed.
@@ -21331,6 +21324,10 @@ To see the default value of this option in
MakeCatalog, you can run this command
$ astmkcatalog -P | grep " sigmaclip "
@end example
+@item --zeropoint=FLT
+The Zeropoint of the input dataset.
+This is necessary when you request measurements like Magnitude, or Surface
@item -v INT
@itemx --oversample=INT
Oversample the input dataset to the fraction given to this option.
@@ -21338,14 +21335,12 @@ Therefore if you set @option{--rmax=20} for example
and @option{--oversample=5},
Unless the object is heavily undersampled (the pixels are larger than the
actual object), this method provides a much more accurate result and there are
sufficient number of pixels to get the profile accurately.
@item --instd=FLT/STR
-Sky standard deviation as a single number (FLT) or as the filename (STR)
containing the image with the std value for each pixel. Only relevant if
@option{--sn} is requested.
+Sky standard deviation as a single number (FLT) or as the filename (STR)
containing the image with the std value for each pixel (the HDU within the file
should be given to the @option{--stdhdu} option mentioned below).
+This is only necessary when the requested measurement (value given to
@option{--measure}) by MakeCatalog needs the Standard deviation (for example
the signal-to-noise ratio or magnitude error).
+If your measurements don't require a standard deviation, it is best to ignore
this option (because it will slow down the script).
@item --stdhdu=STR
-HDU/extension of the sky standard deviation image specified with
@option{--instd}. Only relevant if @option{--sn} is requested.
-@item -n
-@item --sn
-Compute the signal to noise ratio for each radius of the profile according to
@option{--instd} and @option{--stdhdu}. A new column named SN is added to the
output radial profile.
+HDU/extension of the sky standard deviation image specified with
@item -t STR
@itemx --tmpdir=STR
diff --git a/tests/during-dev.sh b/tests/during-dev.sh
index 3d14f4a..3cd5b22 100755
--- a/tests/during-dev.sh
+++ b/tests/during-dev.sh
@@ -181,6 +181,21 @@ if make -j$numjobs -C "$builddir"; then
echo "" >> .gnuastro/gnuastro.conf
echo " lastconfig 1" >> .gnuastro/gnuastro.conf
+ # A script can call any of the Gnuastro programs, we need to add this
+ # installation's programs in the PATH and add all configuration files.
+ if [ x"$longprefix" = x"script" ]; then
+ addpath=""
+ for f in "$builddir"/bin/*; do
+ if [ -d $f ]; then
+ if [ x"$addpath" = x ]; then addpath="$f"
+ else addpath="$f:$addpath"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ export PATH="$addpath:$PATH"
+ cp "$srcdir"/bin/*/*.conf .gnuastro/
+ fi
# Run the built utility with the given arguments and options.
"$utility" $arguments $options $extraopts
- [gnuastro-commits] master updated (482df67 -> f0fcad5), Mohammad Akhlaghi, 2021/05/16
- [gnuastro-commits] master edcb351 2/7: radial-profile: removing the set-x option used for debuging, Mohammad Akhlaghi, 2021/05/16
- [gnuastro-commits] master 6e94c13 6/7: All programs: empty string arguments are now ignored, Mohammad Akhlaghi, 2021/05/16
- [gnuastro-commits] master f0fcad5 7/7: astscript-radial-profile: Removed special sn option,
Mohammad Akhlaghi <=
- [gnuastro-commits] master c92dea3 1/7: SNR options added to bin/script/radial-profile.in, Mohammad Akhlaghi, 2021/05/16
- [gnuastro-commits] master 28e1bc8 4/7: astscript-sort-by-night: chaning old names to have 'sort' instead of 'list', Mohammad Akhlaghi, 2021/05/16
- [gnuastro-commits] master e473879 3/7: astscript-radial-profile: including make check for this script, Mohammad Akhlaghi, 2021/05/16
- [gnuastro-commits] master c3af771 5/7: Book: signal-to-noise parameters of the radial-profile script are now described., Mohammad Akhlaghi, 2021/05/16