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[gnuastro-commits] master 88806f2 38/62: bin/table/completion.bash: impr

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master 88806f2 38/62: bin/table/completion.bash: improvements to find good table name
Date: Thu, 13 May 2021 22:20:51 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 88806f2c0224ee4a259c4fd315028f03bda71dc7
Author: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>

    bin/table/completion.bash: improvements to find good table name
    I have tried to go over the current implementation of the completion script
    for Bash. I succeeded in doing checks to find the last table file on the
    command-line (even if it is a plain-text table). However, I hit a problem
    when I wanted to implement a feature for the '--information' option, which
    is described in a comment above the check (starting with 'PROBLEM').
    Pedram, can you look into this problem and find a fix? This will be a
    useful solution if we can add this feature (dynamically printing warnings
    to the user).
    Here is a summary of the points I changed:
     - All the global variables have a '_gnuastro' prefix in their name
       (although generally, for now these are just place-holders, so there
       isn't much emphasis on them now).
     - The comments on each function have been brought up above the
       function. This is the general convention in Gnuastro, in all languages
     - To check if a given argument is a FITS file, a new function called
       '_gnuastro_autocomplete_file_is_fits' is defined. Instead of relying on
       suffixes (which are many!), this will just use the 'astfits' program.
     - A new function called '_gnuastro_autocomplete_option_value' is defined
       to return the value of an option, given its long and short option
       names. It will account for all the scenarios (except for one cases that
       is mentioned as a TODO.
     - The new '_gnuastro_autocomplete_plaintext_is_table' function will return
       0 (success) if its argument is a plain text table that can be parsed in
     - The '_gnuastro_autocomplete_last_table' function replaced the old
       '_gnuastro_autocomplete_get_fits_name' function. It will parse the
       arguments in reverse, and return the last acceptable table. Note that
       FITS files can also be images, and tables can also be in plain-text.
     - The long pipes in some of the options were broken into multiple lines.
     - For 'PROG_NAME', probably '$1' is better than manually setting it. The
       user may use a manual copy of the problem that is not installed in any
       standard location for example. It is better to rely on the user's actual
    Pedram, once you can guide me on the fix in the '--information' option,
    I'll continue with inspecting the code, thanks a lot ;-).
 bin/table/completion.bash | 304 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 doc/gnuastro.texi         |   4 +-
 2 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/table/completion.bash b/bin/table/completion.bash
index 67d965d..b94338b 100644
--- a/bin/table/completion.bash
+++ b/bin/table/completion.bash
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 # Original author:
 #     Pedram Ashofteh Ardakani <>
 # Contributing author(s):
+#     Mohammad Akhlaghi <>
 # Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 # Gnuastro is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
@@ -40,20 +41,27 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 db=0 # Set 0 for printing debug messages, else set to 1
+>>>>>>> e18d46e4 (bin/table/completion.bash: improvements to find good table 
+# Accepts a FITS filename as input and echoes its headers.
-    # Accepts a fits filename as input and echoes its headers
     if [ -f "$1" ]; then
-        $ASTFITS --quiet "$1" | awk '{print $2}'
+        $_gnuastro_astfits --quiet "$1" | awk '{print $2}'
@@ -61,12 +69,11 @@ _gnuastro_autocomplete_get_fits_hdu(){
+# Accept either an array or a string '$1' split by normal bash conventions,
+# check if second argument '$2' is present in the suggestions, if so, put
+# it in suggestions, continue otherwise. Note, in case the second agument
+# is not passed, no filteration will be applied.
-    # Accept either an array or a string '$1' split by normal bash
-    # conventions, check if second argument '$2' is present in the
-    # suggestions, if so, put it in suggestions, continue otherwise. Note,
-    # in case the second agument is not passed, no filteration will be
-    # applied.
     for w in $1
         # The right-hand side of '[[ ... =~ ... ]]' is considered a regex
@@ -84,9 +91,9 @@ _gnuastro_autocomplete_compgen(){
+# Checks for the current fits file and puts its headers into completion
+# suggestions
-    # Checks for the current fits file and puts its headers into
-    # completion suggestions
     if [ -f "$1"  ]; then
         list=("$(_gnuastro_autocomplete_get_fits_hdu "$1")")
         # A custom enhancement for the 'compgen' command. This version will
@@ -102,28 +109,26 @@ _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_fits_hdu(){
+# 'Append' all 'FITS' files in current directory to suggestions. Case
+# insensitive.  The -X option and its filter pattern are explained on bash
+# programmable completion info page: $ info bash programmable 'Appending'
+# seems a good idea because the program might accept multiple input types.
+# For example the 'asttable' program can either accept a fits file or
+# various short/long options as its first argument. In this case,
+# autocompletion suggests both.
+# The completion can not suggest filenames that contain white space in them
+# for the time being.
-    # 'Append' all 'FITS' files in current directory to suggestions. Case
-    # insensitive.  The -X option and its filter pattern are explained on
-    # bash programmable completion info page: $ info bash programmable
-    # 'Appending' seems a good idea because the program might accept
-    # multiple input types.
-    # For example the 'asttable' program can either accept a fits file or
-    # various short/long options as its first argument. In this case,
-    # autocompletion suggests both.
-    # The completion can not suggest filenames that contain white space in
-    # them for the time being.
     COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -f -X "!*.[fF][iI][tT][sS]" -- "$word"))
+# Prompt the user that this option only accepts a number
-    # Prompt the user that this option only accepts a number
     echo "Pass"
@@ -131,54 +136,181 @@ _gnuastro_autocomplete_expect_number(){
-    # Iterate and echo the last fits file among the command line
-    # TODO: How about all other fits file extensions?
-    for w in "${COMP_WORDS[@]}"
-    do
-        temp_name="$(echo "$w" | awk '/[.][fF][iI][tT][sS]$/')"
-        [ -f "$temp_name" ] && file_name="$temp_name"
+# Check if the given file is a FITS file (that can actually be
+# opened). Note that FITS files have many possible extensions (see the
+# 'gal_fits_name_is_fits' function in 'lib/fits.c').
+    if astfits $1 -h0 &> /dev/null; then return 0; else return 1; fi
+# This function is given the long and short formats of an option (as first
+# and second arguments). If the option has been called until now, and has
+# been given a value, its value will be returned. Note that if it is called
+# multiple times, only the last occurance is used. It should be used like
+# this:
+#    _gnuastro_autocomplete_option_value --hdu -h
+    option_value=""
+    local longname=$1
+    local shortname=$2
+    for i in $(seq 1 ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}); do
+        # To keep things readable, put this token into a variable.
+        local token=${COMP_WORDS[i]}
+        # First, the easy long-format scenario.
+        if [ x$token = x$longname ]; then
+            if [ x${COMP_WORDS[i+1]} = x"=" ]; then
+                option_value="${COMP_WORDS[i+2]}"
+            else
+                option_value="${COMP_WORDS[i+1]}"
+            fi
+        # The short format. In the short format, the option is defined by
+        # its first two characters (the first is a '-' and the second can
+        # be any ASCII character. We don't have any '=' sign, however, the
+        # value may be touching the option (into one token), for example
+        # '-c1' and '-c 1' are the same.
+        #
+        # TODO: We still have to account for cases where there are short
+        # options with no values in the middle. For example assume that we
+        # also have option '-a' that is just an on-off option. In this
+        # case, according to the GNU Coding Standards, it is fine to say
+        # something like this: '-ac1'. This isn't too common, so in this
+        # first implementation, we are ignoring it due to lack of
+        # time. We'll add it later.
+        else
+            local first=${token:0:2}
+            if [ x"$first" = x"$shortname" ]; then
+                if [ x"$token" =  x"$first" ]; then
+                    option_value="${COMP_WORDS[i+1]}"
+                else
+                    option_value=$(echo $token | sed 's|'${token:0:2}'||')
+                fi
+            fi
+        fi
-    unset temp_name
-    if [ -f "$file_name" ]; then
-        # Check if file_name is actually an existing fits file. This
-        # prevents other functions from failing and producing obscure error
-        # messages
-        echo "$file_name"
-        # Note that should not be an 'else' statement with 'exit' error
-        # code. Because this function is checking the presence of a fits
-        # file everytime bash completion is provoked. Then it will return
-        # error if there is no fits name and break functionality.
+# Return 1 if the given non-FITS file is a table.
+    # For easy reading.
+    local inputfile=$1
+    # If the file is not plain-text, it will contain an 'executable' or
+    # 'binary' in the output of the 'file' command.
+    if file samaeh-abstract.txt \
+            | grep 'executable\|binary' &> /dev/null; then
+        return 1
+    else
+        # The file is plain-text. Extract the first non-commented or empty
+        # line and feed it to 'asttable' to see if it can be interpretted
+        # properly. We don't want to bother with the other lines, because
+        # we don't want to waste computational power here.
+        if awk '!/^#/ && NF>0 {print; exit 0}' $inputfile \
+                | asttable &> /dev/null; then
+            return 0
+        else
+            return 1
+        fi
-    unset file_name
+# Reverse the list of existing strings on the command-line (so the last
+# word becomes the first), then check if it is an acceptable Table file in
+# there.
+    # Output variables.
+    last_table=""
+    last_table_hdu=""
+    last_table_hdu_auto=0
+    # Internal variables.
+    local token=""
+    local option_value=""
+    # Parse the tokens in reverse.
+    for token in $(echo "${COMP_WORDS[@]}" \
+                    | awk '{for(i=NF;i>1;--i) printf "%s ", $i}')
+    do
+        # First, make sure it is an existing file.
+        if [ -f $token ]; then
+            # It is a FITS file.
+            if _gnuastro_autocomplete_file_is_fits $token; then
+                # See if a HDU has been given or not. If it hasn't been
+                # given, its safe to assume the first HDU. In this case,
+                # we'll set the 'last_table_hdu_auto' variable to 1 (to
+                # help in debugging in later steps).
+                _gnuastro_autocomplete_option_value --hdu -h
+                if [ x"$option_value" = x ]; then
+                    last_table_hdu=1
+                    last_table_hdu_auto=1
+                else
+                    last_table_hdu="$option_value"
+                fi
+                # If this extension of this file is actually a FITS table
+                # (not an image), then set the 'last_table' variable and
+                # break out of the loop that parses the tokens.
+                if asttable $token -h$last_table_hdu -i &> /dev/null; then
+                    last_table="$token"
+                    break;
+                fi
+            # Not a FITS file.
+            else
+                if _gnuastro_autocomplete_plaintext_is_table $token; then
+                    last_table="$token"
+                    break;
+                fi
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
+# Checks if the argument contains a valid file. Does not check for its
+# extension. Then, reads the column names using the asttable program and
+# echoes the resulting STR.
-    # Checks if the argument contains a valid file. Does not check for its
-    # extension. Then, reads the column names using the asttable program
-    # and echoes the resulting STR.
     if [ -f "$1" ]; then
         # Force 'awk' to read after the second line of 'asttable' output,
         # because the second line contains the filename. The filename might
         # start with numbers. If so, there will be an unwanted '(hdu:'
         # printed in the results. Here, 'awk' will print the second column
         # in lines that start with a number.
-        "$ASTTABLE" --information "$1" | awk 'NR>2' | awk '/^[0-9]/ {print $2}'
+        "$_gnuastro_asttable" --information "$1" \
+            | awk 'NR>2' \
+            | awk '/^[0-9]/ {print $2}'
+# Accept a fits file name as the first argument ($1). Read and suggest its
+# column names. If the file does not exist, pass.
-    # Accept a fits file name as the first argument ($1). Read and suggest
-    # its column names. If the file does not exist, pass.
     if [ -f "$1" ]; then
         list=("$(_gnuastro_autocomplete_get_fits_columns "$1")")
         _gnuastro_autocomplete_compgen "${list[@]}"
@@ -190,23 +322,25 @@ _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_fits_columns(){
+# The last file name (.txt/.fits) in COMP_LINE
-    # The last file name (.txt/.fits) in COMP_LINE
     echo "Pass"
+# Accept the command name and its absolute path, run the --help option and
+# 'append' all long options to the current suggestions. 'Appending' seems a
+# good idea because the program might accept multiple input types. For
+# example the 'asttable' program can either accept a fits file or various
+# short/long options as its first argument. In this case, autocompletion
+# suggests both.
-    # Accept the command name and its absolute path, run the --help option
-    # and 'append' all long options to the current suggestions. 'Appending'
-    # seems a good idea because the program might accept multiple input
-    # types. For example the 'asttable' program can either accept a fits
-    # file or various short/long options as its first argument. In this
-    # case, autocompletion suggests both.
-    list=("$("$1" --help | awk -v regex=" --+[a-zA-Z0-9]*=?" 'match($0, regex) 
{print substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)}')")
+    list=("$("$1" --help \
+                  | awk -v regex=" --+[a-zA-Z0-9]*=?" \
+                        'match($0, regex) \
+                           {print substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)}')")
     _gnuastro_autocomplete_compgen "${list[@]}" "$word"
     unset list
@@ -216,10 +350,8 @@ _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_options(){
-    # TODO: @@
-    PROG_NAME="asttable";
+    # Basic definitions.
+    PROG_NAME=$1
     # Initialize the completion response with null
@@ -247,21 +379,27 @@ _gnuastro_asttable_completions(){
-    # Return the last fits file specified in the commandline. If none,
-    # $fits_name will be a null string, i.e. "".
-    fits_name="$(_gnuastro_autocomplete_get_fits_name)"
+    # If a table has been called until this stage, extract it. The table
+    # name itself will be put in 'last_table' and its possible HDU (if its
+    # was a FITS table), will be put in 'last_table_hdu'.
+    _gnuastro_autocomplete_last_table
     # TODO: Prettify the code syntax, shorter ones on top
     case "$prev" in
-            _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_options $PROG_ADDRESS
+            _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_options $PROG_NAME
-            if [ -f "$fits_name" ]; then
-                # The user has entered a valid fits file name. So keep on
-                # with suggesting all other options at hand.
-                _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_options $PROG_ADDRESS
+            if [ -f "$last_table" ]; then
+                # The extra, empty array element is a hack so Bash prints a
+                # warning in a separate line and waits for input.
+                #
+                # PROBLEM: In this scenario (when a File has been given,
+                # and the information option is called, we should tell the
+                # user to avoid trying new options and just press
+                # ENTER. But I can't get the script to do this!
+                COMPREPLY+=("The '--information' (or '-i') will disable all 
other options, you can safely press ENTER now", "")
                 # Check if the user has already specified a fits file. If
                 # the _gnuastro_autocomplete_get_file_name echoes an empty
@@ -280,11 +418,11 @@ _gnuastro_asttable_completions(){
             # file specified in the commandline. If no fits files were
             # detected, there will be no response from autocompletion. This
             # might alert the user that something is going wrong.
-            _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_fits_columns "$fits_name"
+            _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_fits_columns "$last_table"
             # Description is same as the '--column' option.
-            _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_fits_hdu "$fits_name"
+            _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_fits_hdu "$last_table"
         -o|--output|--polygon|-H|--head|-t|--tail| \
@@ -294,24 +432,25 @@ _gnuastro_asttable_completions(){
             # Suggest config files
             COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f -X "!*.[cC][oO][nN][fF]" -- "$word"))
-        *) _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_options $PROG_ADDRESS ;;
+        *) _gnuastro_autocomplete_list_options $NAME ;;
     if [[ "${COMPREPLY[@]}" =~ "=" ]]; then
         # Do not append 'space' character to the end of line in case there
         # is a long option present in the suggestions. Please note that
-        # long options always have a '=' suffix.
+        # long options mostly have a '=' suffix, for example '--hdu=1'.
         compopt -o nospace
     # Be verbose in debugging mode, where $db is set to '0'.
-    if [ $db -eq 0 ]; then
+    if [ 1 = 0 ]; then
         cat <<EOF
 ************ DEBUG ************
 >>> prev: '$prev' -- \$3: '$3'
 >>> word: '$word' -- \$2: '$2'
->>> fits_name: '$fits_name'
+>>> last_table: '$last_table'
@@ -326,18 +465,13 @@ EOF
-complete -F _gnuastro_asttable_completions asttable
+# Define the completion specification, or COMPSPEC: -o bashdefault: Use
+# Bash default completions if nothing is found.  -F function: Use this
+# 'function' to generate the given program's completion.
+complete -o bashdefault -F _gnuastro_asttable_completions asttable
-# A thought on short options. I thing they should not be covered by the
-# autocompletion. Because only the advanced users may use them. And it is
-# possible to mix them up. So, only those will use the short options who
-# know what they are doing. Hence, they will not need the autocompletion
-# feature binded to the short options.  However, the short options are
-# taken into consideration for suggesting the upcoming commands.
diff --git a/doc/gnuastro.texi b/doc/gnuastro.texi
index 088c53e..2612472 100644
--- a/doc/gnuastro.texi
+++ b/doc/gnuastro.texi
@@ -30912,11 +30912,11 @@ As a convention, the function name should be the same 
as the program name, but p
 Within the @command{_echo} function, we're checking if @code{$3} is equal to 
 In Bash's auto-complete, @code{$3} means the word @b{before} current cursor 
-In fact, these are the arguments that the @command{_myprogram} function is 
+In fact, these are the arguments that the @command{_echo} function is 
 @table @code
 @item $1
-The name of the command, here it is @samp{myprogram}.
+The name of the command, here it is @samp{echo}.
 @item $2
 The current word being completed (empty unless we are in the middle of typing 
a word).

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