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[Gnu-search-hackers] filigree eye

From: Ethel Levine
Subject: [Gnu-search-hackers] filigree eye
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 16:30:46 -0400

He had made mother unhappy, and so Jane hatedhim and put him out of her thoughts completely. But Jane had known veryearly that grandmother resented laughter.
Turn to the fourteenth chapter of Exodus, grandmother would say.
Come over to our house and Ill give you a doll, said Jane. The girl shook her head and the tears welled up in her big eyes.
Why couldnt it have been a prettyrounded one like mothers? The smell of it was almost as good as the eatingof it.
She has a very sulky disposition, said grandmother.
A strange, dreadful hush suddenly fell over the room.
And Jane felt, if she did not yet know, thatgrandmother did not like mother loving her so much. Darling, is this Jody of yours a nice little girl?
Apparently mother found it easy; but, then, grandmother lovedmother, which made a difference.
Sheadored mother but she had unerringly laid her finger on the weakspot in her character.
Such a pity you are not fonder of music, said grandmother.
I think it is very dull, said Jane truthfully.
How are you getting on at St Agathas, Victoria? She winked one of her green eyes at Jane. Why couldnt it have been a prettyrounded one like mothers? Jane walked slowly to prolong the pleasure. Better put that kitten right out, MissVictoria. Grandmother did not oftenlaugh, which Jane thought was just as well.
She always wore such pretty dresses and looked so lovely.

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