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[GNU ELPA] Denote version 2.2.4

From: ELPA update
Subject: [GNU ELPA] Denote version 2.2.4
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 17:04:01 -0500

Version 2.2.4 of package Denote has just been released in GNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.

Denote describes itself as:

  Simple notes with an efficient file-naming scheme

More at

## Summary:

                             FILE-NAMING SCHEME

                            Protesilaos Stavrou

  This manual, written by Protesilaos Stavrou, describes the customization
  options for the Emacs package called `denote' (or `denote.el'), and
  provides every other piece of information pertinent to it.

  The documentation furnished herein corresponds to stable version 2.2.0,
  released on 2023-12-10.  Any reference to a newer feature which does not
  yet form part of the latest tagged commit, is explicitly marked as such.

  Current development target is 2.3.0-dev.

## Recent NEWS:

                          CHANGE LOG OF DENOTE

                          Protesilaos Stavrou

This document contains the release notes for each tagged commit on the
project’s main git repository: <>.

The newest release is at the top.  For further details, please consult
the manual: <>.

Table of Contents

1. Version 2.2.0 on 2023-12-10

1 Version 2.2.0 on 2023-12-10

  The present version covers four broad themes:

  1. Denote rename commands are more user-friendly and featureful.
  2. An optional sorting facility makes it possible to produce a
     filtered and sorted Dired buffer with Denote files.
  3. The optional Denote Org dynamic blocks have received a lot of
  4. Bug fixes and internal refinements.

  [ Remember that you do not need to be a programmer to contribute to
    Denote. Report a bug, make a suggestion, or just describe how you
    want to use this package. Every idea counts and we may implement it
    if we can. ]

1.1 The rename commands can remove a Denote file name component

  The commands we provide to rename files using the Denote file-naming
  scheme—`denote-rename-file', `denote-dired-rename-files', and
  `denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords'—can now remove Denote
  file name components. This is done by providing an empty string at the
  relevant prompt.

  For example, to remove the `TITLE' component from a file called
  `20231209T110322==sig--title__keywords.ext' we provide an empty string
  at the title prompt. The end result will look something like this:

  All prompts now include a hint that leaving them empty will ignore the
  given field if it does not exist or remove it if it does exist.

  Note that you must *check how to input an empty string* with your
  minibuffer user interface of choice. For instance, with the `vertico'
  package you can do that with the `M-RET' key binding or by selecting
  the prompt line directly (notice the counter showing something like
  `*/5' instead of `1/5'). Please make sure to consult the documentation
  of the package you are using as this behaviour is not controlled by
  Denote. Vertico, and others like it, selects the first candidate if
  you type `RET' without any input, which is not the same as an empty
  string—it is the first candidate.

  Also read the Denote manual on the matter of [Renaming files]. In
  short, we use this facility to name all our files, regardless of file
  type, in a consistent way that makes them easier to find (I do this
  with my videos, for example, and I do it across my filesystem for all
  personal files).

[Renaming files]

1.2 The file-to-be-renamed is easier to read in the minibuffer

  The commands `denote-rename-file' and `denote-dired-rename-files' show
  the name of the file they are operating on in the minibuffer
  prompt. This is now produced relative to the current directory,
  meaning that instead of `/some/rather/long/path/to/file-name.txt'
  Denote only displays `file-name.txt'.

  Our rename commands never move files to another directory, anyway, so
  we do not need to remind the user of the entire file system path.

  To make things easier for users/themes, file names highlighted in
  Denote prompts are fontified with either of following faces, depending
  on the specifics of the case:

  • `denote-faces-prompt-old-name'
  • `denote-faces-prompt-new-name'
  • `denote-faces-prompt-current-name'

  These faces inherit the attributes of basic faces, so they should look
  decent without further tweaks across all themes.

1.3 Prompts for title, keywords, and signature accept an empty string

  :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h:5897bcc1-4637-4268-8518-8404d939b4b9 …  …

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