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[GNU ELPA] Denote version 2.1.1

From: ELPA update
Subject: [GNU ELPA] Denote version 2.1.1
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 17:03:58 -0500

Version 2.1.1 of package Denote has just been released in GNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.

Denote describes itself as:

  Simple notes with an efficient file-naming scheme

More at

## Summary:

                             FILE-NAMING SCHEME

                            Protesilaos Stavrou

  This manual, written by Protesilaos Stavrou, describes the customization
  options for the Emacs package called `denote' (or `denote.el'), and
  provides every other piece of information pertinent to it.

  The documentation furnished herein corresponds to stable version 2.1.0,
  released on 2023-11-12.  Any reference to a newer feature which does not
  yet form part of the latest tagged commit, is explicitly marked as such.

  Current development target is 2.2.0-dev.

## Recent NEWS:

                          CHANGE LOG OF DENOTE

This document contains the release notes for each tagged commit on the
project's main git repository: <>.

The newest release is at the top.  For further details, please consult
the manual: <>.

Version 2.1.0 on 2023-11-12

  The general theme of this release is improvements to the quality of
  life with Denote. While these release notes and the overall
  documentation are comprehensive, make no mistake: Denote can be used
  with `M-x denote', `M-x denote-link', `M-x denote-backlinks', `M-x
  denote-rename-file'. These have been rock solid from the beginning.
  Everything else is for more specialised workflows.

  I hope to produce a companion video to this changelog in the coming
  days. Though I am still reeling from the injury to my left hand (I
  wrote all this to not delay the package any longer). Please check back
  in my website's coding blog section to find the follow-up video:

  [ Remember to consult the manual whenever you have a question about
    Denote. It is comprehensive and, in my opinion, a paradigm of how
    free software should be done for the benefit of users. I document
    everything in detail and am eager to continue this way. If something
    is unclear, contact me in person, use the mailing list, or open an
    issue on the GitHub/GitLab mirror. I do not check other fora or
    media and will thus not help you there. If you are writing custom
    code, remember to read the doc strings. I write them for you too. ]

Deprecated the `denote-allow-multi-word-keywords'

  This user option enabled the use of keywords that consisted of
  multiple words. Those would be separated by hyphens. Such keywords do
  not work as Org `#+filetags' and also mess up with the neat search
  semantics of Denote's file-naming scheme where a hyphen prefix anchors
  the query to the `TITLE' component of the name.

  Users who absolutely need multi-word keywords are encouraged to use
  the new `denote-file-name-letter-casing' option. More below.

Control the letter casing of file name components

  By default, Denote downcases all components of the file name. The user
  option `denote-file-name-letter-casing' provides granular control over
  this behaviour.

  The value it accepts is an alist where each element is a cons cell of
  the form `(COMPONENT . METHOD)'. The manual, or the variable's doc
  string, cover the details. The gist is that we can now instruct Denote
  to accept input verbatim, such as because we want to apply a
  `camelCase' convention or variants thereof.

  Here is an example, where we downcase the title, but preserve the
  letter casing of the signature and keyword components with this:

  │ (setq denote-file-name-letter-casing
  │       '((title . downcase)
  │     (signature . verbatim)
  │     (keywords . verbatim)
  │     (t . downcase)))

  Users of the now-deprecated `denote-allow-multi-word-keywords' are
  encouraged to implement a letter casing convention with the help of
  this new user option.

  Relevant sections in the manual:

  • The file-naming scheme:
  • Contol the letter casing of file names:

The `denote-dired-mode' should now work while toggling `wdired'

  The writable version of Dired would break the colouration applied by
  `denote-dired-mode'. I have arranged for this to not happen anymore,
  although it means that I had to add an advice to relevant wdired …  …

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