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Re: compressed message

From: alonso acuña
Subject: Re: compressed message
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 17:51:51 -0600

On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Daniele Forsi <address@hidden> wrote:
2013/1/2 alonso acuña:

> I no longer have the message so I can't really test. Still I would think
> there is a problem with the handling of any message that in fact is
> compressed because smsd does not remove it or set it as read and does not
> consider it to be the unread message it is looking for, so it keeps looking
> in all locations all the time.

smsd can't tell from the error message GN_ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED that a
message was actually present in that location, we could return a new
error message (but each application would have to special case this
new error message) or replace the compressed with a text saying
something like "A compressed message was received but libgnokii
doesn't know how to handle it."

Yes I think that second idea would be a good solution. 


>  I don't know what a compressed message is
> and what are the chances that one would actually arrive under normal usage.

I don't know either,that would be useful for testing, I don't know
which phones support sending or receiving compressed SMS

> I have one other question about encoding. Is Gnokii aware of national
> language shift tables as described here:
> ?

no, it seems they where invented after gnokii was written
if there is interest I guess it can be done easily for receiving,
while for sending we need to map the LANG variable somehow (eg. es_*
is Spanish) and we need someone that can read those non-Latin scripts

It would be great if this can be done for receiving and sending. I can help with any tests.  It would be great if one can tell gnokii as a parameter which language to use for sending (which might not be the same as the system language).  For smsd at least a global parameter for all sent messages, if adding a column for that on the outbox table is too complex. For my current needs just a global parameter will do. 

My intention with this is to be able to pack the most characters as possible in each sms while still keeping the special characters.



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