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Re: how to use the gnokii library

From: Fred Lefévère-Laoide
Subject: Re: how to use the gnokii library
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 17:35:26 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

Hi D,

You can find a lot of examples in gnokii svn ... like gnoky or zgnoki
There is even PhoneLink that I wrote for the Maemo platform and is based on Hildon + Gtk ...

A little bit of googling would certainly also help ...


dpiraud a écrit :
hello everybody,
I'm developing an application (C language on linux) to send sms. I want to
use the gnokii library (#define <gnokii.h>) but I don't find how to use it.
My phone is the Nokia 6110 with serial connection.

 Thank you for your help

PS : I'm a french student

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