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Using MA 8620E

From: Stefano Mattana
Subject: Using MA 8620E
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 11:30:42 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.4

Hi All

I'm Stefano, a new subscriber of this list.

I'm tring to connect my pc to internet through a nokia 6610i,
I'm connecting my phone with a MA 8620 E cable, the kernel load the correct 
module, and gnokii can communicate with the phone using the ttyUSB device.

The problem is when I try to initialize the modem with the At command to set 
the apn (at+cgdcont=1,"IP","my_provider_apn"), the modem returns me an ERROR.

Only a sub set of at command returns OK.

I don't understand if the problem begin from a non correct AT implementation 
of the interface module pl2303, from gnokiid or from my mystake.

Can anybody help me ?

Thanks in advance

 Stefano Mattana mailto:address@hidden

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