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gnokii error type

From: A. Andria
Subject: gnokii error type
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 10:21:41 +0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051013)

Hi Pawel,

Something that I know in outbox table is :

field processed = 0, it's mean sms pending (not processed yet by the smsd)
field processed = 1, it's mean sms has been processed by smsd (sms sent)

by default, field error filled by -1 value. What is other posibility value on field error and what's the meaning ?

How do I know what's the error, if the sms processed=1, mobile voucher decrease, but the recipient did not receive a message ?

I've read the include/gnokii/error.h but did not find error code and the meaning of the error. I found only :

/* General codes */
       GN_ERR_NONE = 0,                /* No error. */
       GN_ERR_FAILED,                  /* Command failed. */
GN_ERR_UNKNOWNMODEL, /* Model specified isn't known/supported. */
       GN_ERR_INVALIDSECURITYCODE,     /* Invalid Security code. */
GN_ERR_INTERNALERROR, /* Problem occured internal to model specific code. */ GN_ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED, /* Command called isn't implemented in model. */ GN_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED, /* Function not supported by the phone */
       GN_ERR_USERCANCELED,            /* User aborted the action. */
GN_ERR_UNKNOWN, /* Unknown error - well better than nothing!! */
       GN_ERR_MEMORYFULL,              /* The specified memory is full. */

       /* Statemachine */
GN_ERR_NOLINK, /* Couldn't establish link with phone. */
       GN_ERR_TIMEOUT,                 /* Command timed out. */
       GN_ERR_TRYAGAIN,                /* Try again. */
GN_ERR_WAITING, /* Waiting for the next part of the message. */
       GN_ERR_NOTREADY,                /* Device not ready. */
GN_ERR_BUSY, /* Command is still being executed. */

       /* Locations */
GN_ERR_INVALIDLOCATION, /* The given memory location has not valid location. */
       GN_ERR_INVALIDMEMORYTYPE,       /* Invalid type of memory. */
       GN_ERR_EMPTYLOCATION,           /* The given location is empty. */

       /* Format */
       GN_ERR_ENTRYTOOLONG,            /* The given entry is too long */
       GN_ERR_WRONGDATAFORMAT,         /* Data format is not valid */
       GN_ERR_INVALIDSIZE,             /* Wrong size of the object */

/* The following are here in anticipation of data call requirements. */ GN_ERR_LINEBUSY, /* Outgoing call requested reported line busy */ GN_ERR_NOCARRIER, /* No Carrier error during data call setup ? */

       /* The following value signals the current frame is unhandled */
GN_ERR_UNHANDLEDFRAME, /* The current frame isn't handled by the incoming function */
       GN_ERR_UNSOLICITED,             /* Unsolicited message received. */

       /* Other */
GN_ERR_NONEWCBRECEIVED, /* Attempt to read CB when no new CB received */
       GN_ERR_SIMPROBLEM,              /* SIM card missing or damaged */
       GN_ERR_CODEREQUIRED             /* PIN or PUK code required */

Need your help please.

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