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Re: [gnokii] endless loop while retrieving file from 6230i

From: Ingo Schaefer
Subject: Re: [gnokii] endless loop while retrieving file from 6230i
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:23:25 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041217

Hello there, Hello Pawel,
> That's probably Nokia fault. Implementing it inside gnokii would be too much.

I agree. Seems like a timing problem. Listing only 10 Files at a time

> With Debian? Use /usr/lib/gnokii/gnokii instead gnokii

No. I am using Fedora and used the fresh installed cvs version from
/usr/local/bin or directly from build directory.

>> ./gnokii --getfile 'A:\predefgallery\predefphotos\Bild039.jpg'
>> 2>/tmp/getfile.err
> Could you pelase check whether 0.6.9 or 0.6.8 version did work?

I've checked and both are not working.

0.6.8 did some mysterios thing with the phone - it blanked/flashed the
0.6.9 looks exactly the same as newer versions - endless loop.

> Unfortunately I don't have a phone to support this operation (6610i
> uses ById operations) and can just guess what's wrong. 

I'd really try byID operation, but don't have a clue how to specify the ID.

I issued:
$ gnokii --getfileid 'A:\predefgallery\predefphotos\Bild016.jpg'
and got:
Fileid for file A:\predefgallery\predefphotos\Bild016.jpg is 00 00 10 00
01 86

What can I do with this id?

I tried
$ gnokii --getfilebyid '00 00 10 00 01 86'
-> the given location is empty

I tried --getfiledetailsbyid with same parameters and got the same result.

Any further help is welcome.

If I can help debugging - tell my how to do it.

PS: Sorry for not including References-header - don't have the original
mail here.

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