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5140 via Tekram IR-210: test report

From: ineiev d
Subject: 5140 via Tekram IR-210: test report
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 09:29:37 +0000 (GMT)

Hi, folks!
I've tested the next configuration:

gnokii version: 0.6.4
Phone: Nokia 5140

Communication device: Tekram IRmate 210

Operating system: Fedora Core release 1 GNU/Linux
(2.4.22-1.2115.nptl kernel)
(I run command "irattach /dev/ttyS0 -d tekram", as
taught in Linux Infrared-HOWTO,
in the initialization script; this is enough)

Note: RedHat 7.3 irda-utils have no tekram dongle, so
I could not make IR-210
work there.

Test results
(see logged files and .gnokiirc)

"--getsecuritycodestatus" described in
Docs/man/gnokii.1 is obsolete;
"--getlogo" description is out-of-date
(maybe this has been corrected in CVS already)

"--getprofile 1" resets the phone
"--dialvoice" fails
"--netmonitor devel" does nothing
"--reset soft" does not reset
"--savesms" does not work
"--netmonitor devel" does nothing
"--reset soft" does not reset
"--getphonebook" does not work (is there any Nokia
phone who answers politely
on "AT+CPBR"?)

Personal impressions

As I've got my first phone not so long time ago, I was
inexpressibly surprised
how strictly these devices depend on the network. I
wonder why I can't use it
as a calculator, calendar, timer, infrared data logger
and so on until a SIM
has been inserted. What's wrong there? As for me, it
is at highest degree
dishonest not to let one use equipment that one has
bought. I'd like
to believe those restrictions to be unintentional, but
this is too improbable.

The similar should be said on the software support. I
can't help mentioning
old good Palms here. They have a very rich software
development tool set,
including a gcc-based environment, a gorgeous
three-platform emulator, to say
nothing of the innumerable assemblers, basics and

Certainly, pilot-link could work more correctly.
However, it does work.

Now what about the Nokia devices? Well, let me be able
to programme
with Java only. Let no emulator run on Linux. But how
do I upload
the applications to my phone? If the manufacturers
have no means to produce
this, why don't they let others make it? What a shame.

The situation was very different during the Cold War.
Then buying any
electronic device one got a full set of board drawings
and schematic
diagrams, where typical voltages for _every_ node were
marked, sometimes
even oscillogrammes where necessary.

Now the user can't even know such performance figures
as real sensitivity of
the phone receiver, maximum output power, working
temperatures or admittable
hits and vibration levels.

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Description: 5140.tar.gz

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