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Re: gnokii returns instead a [non 7bit] character this: 0x3F

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: gnokii returns instead a [non 7bit] character this: 0x3F
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 11:07:45 +0200


>>> address@hidden 26 April 2002 10:09:08 >>>
> Hello, I have tryed to save my adressbook and calendar. With success. 
> But I use some 8bit characters in the names in phonebook and also in the 
> appointment descriptions. Gnokii return these characters allways as hexa 
> 0x3F. Is there a way to get gnokii return the full 8bit characters ?

It would be useful if you send any dump for it. Anyway I'll consider it for
adding to the before-0.4.0 list.


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