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[gNewSense-users] A quick question

From: Mikel Forcada
Subject: [gNewSense-users] A quick question
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012 14:00:32 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120615 Thunderbird/13.0.1

Dear Gnewsensers:
I have a Lemote Yeeloong and at the end of this file you'll find my current /etc/apt/sources.list. It does not seem to update much, and I was wondering, is there any way I can change the sources to upgrade to a later version of gNewSense on that machine? I haven't been able to find this information on the 'net myself.

I would appreciate very, very much a pointer or an answer

Thanks a million


Mikel L. Forcada (
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes InformĂ tics
Universitat d'Alacant
E-03071 Alacant, Spain
Phone: +34 96 590 9776
Fax: +34 96 590 9326

Attachment: sources.list
Description: Text document

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