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Re: [gNewSense-users] [shadow cloning gnewsense]

From: chika
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] [shadow cloning gnewsense]
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 11:54:32 +0700 (WIT)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.13

actually it won't show the error message/log
# dpkg --get-selections >installed_apps
# dpkg --clear-selections
# dpkg --set-selections <installed_apps
# dselect && apt-get autoremove
--> but don't work on dselect

there are choices:
 0. [A]ccess    Choose the access method to use.
   1. [U]pdate    Update list of available packages, if possible.
   2. [S]elect    Request which packages you want on your system.
   3. [I]nstall   Install and upgrade wanted packages.
   4. [C]onfig    Configure any packages that are unconfigured.
   5. [R]emove    Remove unwanted software.
   6. [Q]uit      Quit dselect.

update / install wont work
[i forget about one line message... after i choose one of them]

then i quit that way, but i work on "installed_apps" file remove the line
that not contain deinstall, then remove the junk word "install" and some n trailing character like tab, newline, etc. so the file only
contain the package that i installed before...
[many thanks to Bram.Moo* for the wonderful vim]
--> that's why i wanna allAll_about_vim installed inside on the because this editor awesome

# apt-get install `cat installed_apps`
then it works


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