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[gNewSense-users] website/wiki seperation

From: Dean Linkous
Subject: [gNewSense-users] website/wiki seperation
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 18:58:07 -0800 (PST)

Hi all,

I realize this may be considered a rant so I will apologize up front. I apologize for ranting. Now....

So the website is a wiki and the wiki is the website? I realize there is not a whole lot of information in the wiki but I already have trouble navigating around and getting back and forth in the wiki. I often just end up lost, roaming around as if I am in the mall and have plenty of time to waste looking at anything that catches my eye and while I usually do find what I am looking for it isn't very comfortable.
Okay, let me get to the point...

Is their any chance of some separation of the website and the wiki? Possibly remove some of the (mostly static) content of the wiki and work it into a plain website? Maybe use the wiki for devel type work and for fast changing information.

Would some separation of the two be more "friendly" for non-technical visitors that happen to check out the site and wonder who and what gNewSense is all about?

Or maybe the website could be the "pretty" face and the actual website menu provide direct links to the various sections/projects of the wiki as well as providing consistent navigation?

Am I alone in this line of thought?

Dean Linkous

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