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Re: [Gnewsense-dev] Aurora 0.1.0 Released

From: Marcus Moeller
Subject: Re: [Gnewsense-dev] Aurora 0.1.0 Released
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:57:13 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/20131104 Icedove/17.0.10

Dear Felipe.

        I just released Aurora 0.1.0 for gNewSense 4. The following is a
        of the changes in this version.

              + Added desktop theme.
              + Added gdm3 theme.
              + Added GRUB theme.
              + Added icon theme.
              + Added installer theme.
              + Added documentation <>.

        You can get the latest tarball from the downloads page:

        Documentation is available in

    Thanks for the update. I liked the old version of the wallpapers
    better, as they did not contain those hard edges.

I agree. I'll revert the change or try something new.

    Concerning the start-here icons, I did not yet find a way to enable
    those in gnome-shell. There has been an extension available for that

    but it does not seem to work with gnome-shell 3.4 that is included
    in wheezy.

    It should of course work with alternate desktop environments like Xfce.

I added the icons just in case they are needed to replace the Debian
swirl which is in /usr/share/icons/gnome, but I haven't seen the Debian
logo used in GNOME shell as much as it was in GNOME 2 (a good thing, I
think). In Debian 7 you can can select the icon theme from Applications
--> System Tools --> Advanced Settings --> Theme --> Icon Theme. But
nothing seems to change when you select something there.

    In the commit notes it also says: added GTK theme, but I cannot find it.

Ah, well, it is supposed to be aurora/desktop/Aurora. You wont find the
actual themes for GTK 2 and GTK 3 because Aurora uses Adwaita's (see
aurora/desktop/Aurora/index.theme). So, aurora/desktop/Aurora is just
Adwaita but with different backgrounds and the gnewsense icon theme,
which inherits everything from gnome icon theme except the logo.

I would appreciate if we could have a gNewSense-specific GTK theme.

As in Parkes it could be based on the default theme, but with adjusted colors.

In Debian Wheezy a transition Adwaita theme has been used, meaning it actually uses a slightly modified Clearlooks for GTK2 and Adwaita for GTK3 only. The theme engine also does not yet fully support GTK2 Adwaita (that has been introduced in GNOME 3.6).

Maybe we could just port the existing GTK2 theme and modify the GTK3 theme a bit, to match the color scheme.


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