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Re: [Gnash] Gnash Video Codecs?

From: Chris Wareham
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Gnash Video Codecs?
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 18:00:55 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20061025)

Dave Crossland said on 9/12/06 10:45:
Hi Guys,

A blog post about how the "BBC doesn't get web video" and should start
using Flash to stream video on the web attracted this comment:

"Gnash stuff is a nonstarter… if you read their lists, they're talking
about which other codecs they should use (that don't match the world's
content), and whether FFMpeg might help them (Adobe staff contributed
to FFMpeg and know it won't)"
- John Dowdell, Macromedia,

What's the status of these comments? :-)

Slightly tangential to Gnash, but I take deep issue with someone
suggesting the BBC should use Flash as its preferred web video
format. The BBC is funded by a license that is levied on all owners of a
television in the UK and has a charter to provide the widest access to
its programmes. To prefer a format that is limited to a few platforms
and, with all respect to the potential of the Gnash project, in the
hands of a single vendor is contrary to the charter. This is
partly why the BBC has worked on its own video format - although I
wonder where that work stands now that the Blair government has
encouraged a virtual privatisation of the BBC.

I think I'll get off my soap box and have a lie down now.


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