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Re: [Gnash] Testcases for Gnash

From: Nicolas Cannasse
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Testcases for Gnash
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 18:33:55 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)

Push [MyInterface]
Push [1]; // number of interfaces on the stack
Push [MyClass]

Should there be a getVariable after the first and last push ?
I mean, will the stack contain strings or actual functions references ?

True. It should be more like :

Push [MyInterface]
Push [1]; // number of interfaces on the stack
Push [MyClass]

As for [Extends], in AS1 you would write the following when inheriting :

MyClass.prototype.__proto__ = SuperClass.prototype;
MyClass.prototype.__constructor__ = SuperClass;

Should this make (MyClass instanceOf SuperClass) evaluate to true ?
While AS2 generates the following bytecode :

Push [SuperClass]
Push [MyClass]

Should be :

Push [SuperClass]
Push [MyClass]

Same question as above. Differences in player versions are good to know
(to take the compatibility issue into account).

I think both will have instanceOf return true. You might want to check that by yourself since my AS1 days are quite far now. I'm not sure exactly what is the semantical difference between the two.

Depending on how you're extending the prototype in AS1, there was some problems with super methods being called twices when you have a several-level hierarchy and some methods are overloaded. The AS2 extends might fix that.

Sorry for the vague description of the bug, I don't remember how to reproduce it exactly but it has been reported several times by different persons.


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