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Re: [Gnash-dev] Nokia maemo-developers list flash woes

From: Markus Gothe
Subject: Re: [Gnash-dev] Nokia maemo-developers list flash woes
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 19:24:59 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061110)

Cool... Embedded device that supports OGL :D.


Rob Savoye wrote:
Martin Guy wrote:
Two threads have just opened on address@hidden
[GNU/Linux on ARM EABI for the Nokia 770] about the troubles they are
with the commercial opera flash plugin crashing and taking the browser
down with it.
I am gently pushing them towards gnash :D
  I already built Gnash for the 770, it was easy using Maemo. It even
used the full Gkt/OpenGL support, since the 770 also supports OpenGL.
AGG worked too. CVS should build out out the box with no changes.

        - rob -

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