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[Gnash-commit] ExternalInterface patch

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: [Gnash-commit] ExternalInterface patch
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 09:13:23 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100430 Fedora/3.0.4-2.fc12 Lightning/1.0b1 Thunderbird/3.0.4

I've got a patch up with all the refactoring changes to the
ExternalInterface code. Briefly all methods are static, and most of the
functionality has been moved to libcore and movie_root.

All the relevant test cases pass, and it's valgrind clean on both amd64
and x86 machines. I'll be doing a tiny bit more cleanup of this before
checking it in to make sure nothing got migrated that shouldn't be in
this checkin.

One note is it still doesn't actually set variables or call the
callbacks yet, but all the communication has been greatly improved, with
Gnash and the browser working talking sending and parsing the XML Invoke
messages. All the responses to the Browser are currently bogus, Making
all the variables and callbacks in movie_root actually do something is next.

        - rob -

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