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Re[2]: [Gnash-commit] gnash ChangeLog backend/render_handler.h libgeo...

From: Udo Giacomozzi
Subject: Re[2]: [Gnash-commit] gnash ChangeLog backend/render_handler.h libgeo...
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2007 15:38:45 +0100

Hello strk,

Thursday, March 1, 2007, 2:24:16 PM, you wrote:
s> This was the reason to provide a 'visitor' model for SnappingRanges2d, hiding
s> the underlying container type. This use uses a random access iterator when
s> it doesn't even need to. For a source-level compatibility with future 
s> switch we could expose the iterator interface, or provide the visitor 

Ok. But I ask you to do this as you are probably more experienced with

s> Yest another possibility (the cleanset) would be to do everything inside 
s> as I see _clipbounds are basically a SnappingRange2d now (right?)

Not exactly. SnappingRange2d's use is to provide a common interface to
maybe different snapping algorithms. _clippingbounds however is just a
list of ranges which are ready to use. I would not mix the two.
_clipbounds uses pixel coordinates, btw, not TWIPS as in


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